Lotus Macros Using Direction Key Commands May Fail in Excel

ID: Q87741

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 4.0, 5.0


Macros created in Lotus 1-2-3 that use direction keys, or {GOTO} commands, may fail when running in Microsoft Excel.


Lotus 1-2-3 is a character-based full-screen application so its screen size is fixed at 20 rows by 8 columns. A Microsoft Excel document window can contain any number of rows or columns.

Direction key commands such as {PGUP} or {PGDN} and {GOTO} commands move the active cell based on the current page size, instead of the 20 row by 8 column Lotus 1-2-3 standard. As a result, the active cell may be moved to the wrong location, causing your macro to fail.


For best results, size the active document window in Microsoft Excel to contain the same number of rows and columns that Lotus 1-2-3 has (20 rows by 8 columns).


"Switching to Microsoft Excel from Lotus 1-2-3," version 4.0, page 36

Additional query words: LMI 4.0 5.0 123

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Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999
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