Excel: Save As Doesn't Build Another Copy of Workbook Document

ID: Q89743

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 4.0
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, version 4.0


When using Save As from the File menu in Microsoft Excel to save a new copy of a workbook document, the original document name is not maintained in the workbook. The original document remains, however, with the new name.


Sometimes it may be necessary to save another copy of a document already in the workbook back to the workbook with another name. Using the Save As command from the File menu changes the name of the document, but does not retain the copy of the document with the original name.

To Save a Workbook Document to Another Name

  1. Open the workbook and choose the Contents button at the bottom of the workbook window.

  2. Select the document that needs to be saved back with a different name.

  3. If the document is bound, change the document to Unbound, activate it, and save the document by choosing File Save. Choose the Contents button.

  4. Select the document that needs to be saved back with a different name, choose the Options button at the bottom of the workbook window and change the name of the document to the new name desired.

  5. Choose the Add button at the bottom of the workbook window.

  6. From the Add dialog box, choose Open and select the original document, then choose OK.

  7. Select the original document name (which now should be in the workbook as bound).

If the documents need to be unbound, choose the Options button at the bottom of the workbook window and change "Store document in" to "Separate file" and delete the unbound copy by choosing Delete from the File menu and selecting the file.


"Microsoft Excel User's Guide 1," version 4.0, pages 67-78

Additional query words: work book save-as rename re-name changing build

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Last Reviewed: March 29, 1999
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