Excel: Limits for Number of Items in Excel Custom Data Forms

ID: Q92405

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 2.x, 3.0, 4.0
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 2.2, 3.0, 4.0


The custom data form in Microsoft Excel is limited to the following number of items:

  • The total number of items is 64.

  • The total number of items that can take or return arguments is 31.

    Note: In versions prior to 4.0, this total was 32. In version 4.0 of Microsoft Excel, a Help button has been added to the data form; this reduces the number of items from 32 to 31.

  • The total number of text characters is 1,024.

If you exceed these limitations, Microsoft Excel will display the following error message:
Data_Form is not correct.


Any items in your custom data form that exceed the specified limits will not function properly when you run your data form.

Microsoft Excel will also display the error message

Data_Form is not correct.
under the following conditions:

  • You have invalid numbers in the dialog box description for your custom data form in the Item, X, Y, Width, or Height columns.


  • The area defined as your dialog box description is less than seven columns wide.


  • The range you defined as Data_Form is not the correct range for your dialog box description.


"Microsoft Excel User's Guide 2," version 4.0, page 270

"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 3.0, page 631

"Microsoft Excel for Windows Functions and Macros," version 2.0, page 217

Additional query words: 2.0 2.00 2.01 2.1 2.10 2.1c 2.10c 2.1d 2.10d 2.20 3.0

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Last Reviewed: March 29, 1999
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