FP98: Script Error Browsing Page that Contains Navigation Bars

ID: Q177907

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows


When you browse a page that has a navigation bar on it, you may receive a scripting error message similar to one of the following. Note that the error message varies based on which Web browser or version of the Web browser you are using.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.0

You receive a script error similar to this:
Expected ')'
When you click Yes, the error message is closed. However, when you rest the pointer over the button in the left navigation bar, you receive a script error similar to the following:
MSFPnav1h' is undefined.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0

You receive a script error similar to this:
Microsoft JScript compilation error.
[Line: 28] Expected ')'
Your only option is to click OK to continue. After you do this, the page opens.


These errors occur if the navigation bar refers to a page with a name that contains an apostrophe ("'").


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


To work around this problem, click Navigation on the View menu and then rename the page so that its name does not contain an apostrophe. Then, click Folders on the View menu and rename the page so that it does not contain an apostrophe.

Additional query words: Script error illegal character hover apostrophe

Keywords : kberrmsg kbdta fpexp fpedit
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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