FP98: Animations Are Unavailable When Editing Shared Border

ID: Q183028

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows


When you point to Animation on the Format menu, the animation options are not available (dimmed).


This behavior occurs because you are editing the body section of the HTML code for the shared border. You cannot apply animation to the shared border.

Shared borders are stored in four files located in the _borders folder (a hidden folder). The four files are:

  • top.htm

  • bottom.htm

  • left.htm

  • right.htm

When you apply shared borders on a page, FrontPage copies the contents of the shared border file to the top, bottom, left or right side of the page. FrontPage copies only the contents between the <body> and </body> tags of the shared border page. When you edit the shared border section of a page, you are only editing the body section of the HTML code for the shared border.

When you apply animation on a page, FrontPage writes JavaScript in the Head section of the HTML code. This script must be in the head section, and is needed for animation.


To work around this, and enable animation on the shared border section of the page, you must apply animation in the page that uses the shared border. To enable animation in shared borders, follow these steps:

  1. Open the shared border file.

    1. On the Tools menu, click Web Settings.

    2. Click the Advanced tab.

    3. Click to select the "Show documents in hidden directories" check box.

    4. Click OK. When prompted to refresh the web, click Yes.

    5. On the View menu, click Folders. Double-click the left.htm file in the _borders folder.

  2. Type This is some Animation, in the body of the page.

  3. On the Format menu, point to Animation, and then click Fly From Right.

  4. Save and close the page.

  5. Open a page using a left shared border.

  6. Click anywhere at the bottom of the page so that the pointer is positioned on a blank line.

  7. On the Format menu, point to Animation, and then click Fly From Right.

    NOTE: You must apply animation to all pages that use the Shared Border. On pages you do not apply animation to, you will not see any animated contents in the shared border.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: dhtml javascript jscript animation editor

Keywords : kbdta fpexp fpedit fpactive fpie4 fpshared
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 29, 1999
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