Authors Cannot Open Nested Subweb

ID: Q231397

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions


When you create a nested subweb that uses unique permissions on any supported Web Server, the subweb cannot be opened with a valid account by the author. After trying to authenticate this problem three times, the author is referred to the Wecerr.txt file for more details. The Wecerr.txt reports the following:

You are not authorized to perform the current operation.
The authentication dialog shows that the Resource that the authentication is occurring against is a parent-level Web and not the Web being opened.


FrontPage 2000 uses the new Office Dialog for opening Webs. The Office dialog incorrectly presents an authentication dialog for opening the parent-level Web of the Web being opened.


To work around the problem, add the author with at least Author-level permission to the parent Web.

Alternatively, a better solution is to have the Author create a Web Folder to the subweb. The creation of a Web Folder does not present the authentication problem. To create a Web Folder for the subweb, use the following steps:

  1. On the Author's workstation, Open FrontPage 2000.

  2. On the menu bar, click File, and the choose Open Web.

  3. On the menu bar for the Open Web dialog, click the manila folder icon for Create Web Folder.

  4. In the Add Web Folder dialog, type the http address for the nested Apache Web that the author is trying to connect and click Next after the address is entered.

  5. Enter the Author account and password to the nested subweb when prompted, and then click OK.

  6. When prompted for the name of this Web Folder, either use the pre-selected name or enter a new name, and then click Finish.

  7. At this point, the Web Folder is created and the Web can be opened.

  8. When subsequently opening the web, do so by clicking the Web Folder for this web.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

Additional query words: front page

Keywords : fpse2000
Version : winnt:
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: October 19, 1999
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