FP: FrontPage Files Remain After Add/Remove or Uninstall

ID: Q151558

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows with Bonus Pack
  • Microsoft FrontPage for Windows 1.1


When you remove FrontPage using the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel icon (Windows 95) or the Uninstall icon in Program Manager (Windows NT), the FrontPage Content directory still exists on your hard disk.


The Uninstall program removes only the following directories and files from the root Web of your content area:

NOTE: When you uninstall FrontPage all of the data you created will not be deleted by the FrontPage Setup program. FrontPage files that were not created by you but that remain after you uninstall FrontPage are left to facilitate the reinstallation of FrontPage. The files and folders left behind do not take up much memory.


To remove all FrontPage Web content from your computer, delete the Content directory after you uninstall FrontPage.


When you uninstall FrontPage, all FrontPage components (other than the files and folders in the Content folder) are removed from your hard disk. By default, the content folder is c:\FrontPage Webs\Content, although you can change the name of this folder when you install FrontPage.

The default location for the FrontPage program is one of the following:

   c:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage (if you are using Windows 95)
   c:\Microsoft FrontPage (if you are using Windows NT) 
If you created custom files or folders in these locations, FrontPage will not remove these folders when you uninstall it. Uninstall will clear out system .dll files unique to FrontPage and will clear out all FrontPage registry entries. The following directories and all their contents remain in the root Web of your content area after you uninstall FrontPage 97:

In addition to the directories listed above, another directory and all its contents remain in the root Web of your content area after you uninstall FrontPage 1.1:

In addition, any subwebs you created also remain on your hard disk.

Additional query words: 97

Keywords : kbsetup kbdta
Version : windows:1.1,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 23, 1999
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