FP: New Disk-Based Web Times Out While Trying to Connect

ID: Q169089

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows with Bonus Pack
  • Microsoft FrontPage for Windows 1.1


When you attempt to create a new disk-based Web, you receive one of the following error messages:

FrontPage 97 for Windows

Timed out while trying to connect to a server at 'C' on port 80.

FrontPage for Windows 1.1

Unable to connect to a server at 'C' on port 0 (socket code 10049).


This problem occurs if you type a path using the forward slash, such as "c:/webs" (without the quotation marks) in the "Choose a title for your FrontPage Web" dialog box. When the server attempts to resolve the address, it attempts to resolve the folder on the c:\ drive using an IP address.


To resolve this problem, in the "Choose a title for your FrontPage Web" dialog box, use a backslash and type the path as follows:



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbusage kbdta fpexp
Version : windows:1.1,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 23, 1999
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