FP: Clicking "Preview In Browser" Saves Work in Progress

ID: Q170123

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows with Bonus Pack
  • Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0


In the versions of FrontPage Editor listed at the beginning of this article, when you click the Preview In Browser button on the Standard toolbar, your page is saved to a Web without warning. In contrast, due to a design change in FrontPage 98, you must select the Automatically Save Page option in the Preview In Browser dialog box (File menu) to automatically save the page to a Web.


FrontPage cannot preview the page unless it is first saved to a Web.


To work around this behavior and retain the original version of the web page, make a copy of your file and edit the copy. When you click Preview In Browser, changes will be saved to the copy of your file. When you are finished making all the changes you want, save the file using the original file name.

Additional query words: preview browser save file

Keywords : kbusage kbdta fpedit
Version : windows:97; macintosh:1.0
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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