FP1: Extensions Installed by FrontPage for the Macintosh

ID: Q177142

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0


This article lists the file names, file sizes, and version numbers of the system components that are installed when you run Microsoft FrontPage 1.0 for the Power Macintosh Setup.

System Folder:Control Panels

   File Name                            Size   Version

   None installed.

System Folder:Extensions

   File Name                            Size   Version

   FP Client Library                     676      -
   FP Convert Library                     91      -
   FP Extender Library                 1,547      -
   FP Image Library                      286      -
   FP Open Transport                      26      -
   FP Splash Library                     221      -
   FP Todo Library                       208      -
   FP Utility Library                    806      -
   FP Webpost Library                     78      -
   Microsoft OLE Automation              546     2.06
   Microsoft OLE Extension               936     2.08
   Microsoft OLE Library                 975     2.08
   Microsoft C Runtime Library           338     4.0b
   Microsoft MFC 4.0 Library             767     4.0b
   Microsoft MFC 4.0 OLE Library         481     4.0b
   Microsoft OLE Dialog Library          130     5.0d4
   Microsoft OLE Portability Lib         195     5.0d4
   Microsoft Controls Library            299     5.0d4
   Microsoft Portability Library         858     5.0d4
   Microsoft RichEdit Library            234     5.0d4

System Folder:Preferences

   File Name                            Size   Version

   FrontPage Editor Preferences         -       -
   FrontPage Explorer Preferences       -       -
   FrontPage Preferences                -       -
   FrontPage Registry Emulation         -       - 
The following files are installed as part of Apple Open Transport. Although Apple Open Transport is included with the Apple System Software version 7.6, it must be installed separately if you are using an earlier version of the Apple System Software (for example, versions 7.5.3 through 7.5.5). This component is required to run FrontPage.

   File Name                            Size   Version
   Open Tpt AppleTalk Library           481     1.1.1
   Open Tpt Internet Library            442     1.1.1
   Open Transport Library               507     1.1.1
   OpenTptAppleTalkLib                   65     1.1.1
   OpenTptInternetLib                   260     1.1.1
   OpenTransportLib                     468     1.1.1
   Shared Code Manager(7.5.3)
   Shared Library Manager(7.5.5) 


All of these files are necessary for Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh to function correctly.

Additional query words: 97 fpmac

Keywords : kbsetup kbdta fpexp fpedit
Version : MACINTOSH:1.0
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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