FP1: Invalid Hard Disk Name Causes Error Opening, Creating Web

ID: Q177479

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0


Case 1:   When you attempt to open a Microsoft FrontPage Web stored on a
          Macintosh computer, you receive the following error 
The folder "file:///<computer name>/<folder name>" does not exist.

          where <computer name> is the name of the hard disk on the Macintosh
          computer and <folder name> is the name of the folder that contains a
          FrontPage web.

Case 2:   When you attempt to open or list webs on a remote computer on which
          you installed the Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions, you receive
          the following error 
Cannot open "<computer name>:temporary items:_vti_inf.html." No such file or directory.

          where <computer name> is the name of the hard disk on the Macintosh

Case 3:   When you attempt to create a new web on the local computer, you
          receive the following error 
Cannot create the folder "<computer name>:<folder name>."

          where <computer name> is the name of the hard disk on the Macintosh
          computer and <folder name> is the name of the folder that contains
          the FrontPage web. 


These errors occur when the name of the hard disk on the Macintosh computer contains a slash character. On the World Wide Web, a forward slash character is used to separate folders (directories) in a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). If the name of the hard disk on which your Web is stored contains a slash character, you will receive one of the errors described in the "Symptoms" section because the path cannot be interpreted as a valid URL.


Rename the hard disk so that it does not contain a slash (/) character.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbdta fpexp
Version : MACINTOSH:1.0
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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