FP1: File Not Found, Unexpected Error Starting Extension Manager

ID: Q179193

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0


When you use the Extensions Manager control panel to troubleshoot problems with FrontPage, you may receive either of the following messages:

The application "FrontPage Explorer" can not be opened because an unexpected error occurred.
The application "FrontPage Explorer" could not be opened because ">>OTUtilityLib<<" could not be found.


These messages occur if either of the following is true:

  • The Shared Library Manager PPC extension is turned off in the Extension Manager.


  • The Shared Library Manager PPC is not installed.


To use the Extensions Manager to troubleshoot problems with FrontPage, use either of the following methods.

Method 1: Turn on the Shared Library Manager PPC Extension

  1. On the Apple menu, point to Control Panels, and then click Extension Manager.

  2. Select the Shared Library Manger PPC option and then close the Extension Manager.

  3. Restart your computer.

Method 2: Install the Shared Library Manager PPC Extension

You can install the Shared Library Manager PPC extension by running the Macintosh System Software Setup program. After the Setup program starts, click Install, click the Custom option, and then click Shared Library Manager PPC option in the Extensions section.

Additional query words: fpexplorer

Keywords : kberrmsg kbdta fpexp
Version : MACINTOSH:1.0
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 26, 1999
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