FP: List of WebBot Components that Require Server Extensions

ID: Q184021

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows with Bonus Pack
  • Microsoft FrontPage for the Power Macintosh, version 1.0


Some WebBot components do not work correctly if the FrontPage Server Extensions are not installed on the server. This article lists the WebBot components that require FrontPage Server Extensions.


The following WebBot components rely on the FrontPage Server Extensions at browse-time:

  • FrontPage created server-side Image Maps
  • WebBot Confirmation Field component
  • WebBot Discussion component
  • WebBot Registration componentr
  • WebBot Save Results component
  • WebBot Scheduled Image
  • WebBot Scheduled Include component
  • WebBot Search component
NOTE: If the FrontPage Server Extensions are not installed on the server and you use one of the WebBot components listed above, an HTTP 404 error appears in the Web browser when a visitor opens the Web page.

The following design-time WebBot components do not rely on the FrontPage Server Extensions:

  • WebBot HTML Markup component
  • WebBot Include component
  • WebBot Substitution component


For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q143101 FP: Using FrontPage Without the Server Extensions
Q167931 FP97: How to Install FrontPage Server Extensions for MSPWS
Q169529 FP97: How to Install FrontPage Server Extensions for IIS 3.0

Additional query words: bots browse ISP WPP

Keywords : kbdta fpexp fpedit fpactive fpext
Version : MACINTOSH:1.0; WINDOWS:97
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 21, 1999
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