FP98: Smudges on Images Pasted from Office Application

ID: Q227442

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows, version 98


When a graphical object like a chart is copied from a Microsoft Office application and pasted into a page in FrontPage Editor, smudges may appear around any text on the image.


This behavior is caused by the converter that FrontPage uses to import images.


Method 1: Use an Image Editor

Paste the object into an image editor, like Image Composer, and save it as a JPG file. Insert the saved JPG file in FrontPage Editor by clicking Image from the Insert menu.

Method 2

In Office 97 only, save the Office object using the Save as HTML command from the File menu, and insert the HTM page in your FrontPage Web.

Additional query words: front page blurry distort

Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: April 13, 1999
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