FP98: Importing Files from a Unix Server Will Not Import All Files

ID: Q238139

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FrontPage 98 for Windows


If you import files with the same name but with different case from a Unix server into a Windows-based server, hyperlinks to at least one of the files will break.


Unix operating systems are case sensitive. For example, files called "mypage.htm" and "Mypage.htm" are recognized as different files on the Unix operating system. Because Windows-based operating systems are not case sensitive, these two files are recognized as being the same file.


Save the file with lowercase letters from a Web browser. Change the name of the file, and then import it into FrontPage.

Additional query words: front page

Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 31, 1999
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