MOD2000: Deployed WorkflowToolbar Control Connects to Developer Server
ID: Q242410
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 2000 Developer
When you save data by using the Workflow Toolbar Control in a deployed team solution, you may see the following error messages:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
[DBNMPNTW] Specified SQL server not found.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Unable to initialize the data provider.
At this point, the data access page fields display their data as #Name? instead of the actual data in the database. Then, you receive the following error message:
Microsoft Office Developer Workflow Toolbar
"[DBNMPNTW] Specified SQL server not found." Unable to get the database connection from the Access Data Source Control.
After the Workflow Toolbar Control is deployed in a team solution, the Workflow Toolbar Control still points and saves data to the server upon which it was developed. If that server is not available, you see these error messages.
To change the Workflow Toolbar Control so that it stores data to the deployment server database instead, do either of the following:
- Remove and then reinsert the Workflow Control Toolbar on each data access page in the team solution.
- Modify the XML (the page source code) for each page to replace the development server and database names with the appropriate deployment server and database names. To do so, see the "More Information" section of this article.
Access Workflow Designer allows you to develop and deploy a solution by using the Workflow Toolbar Control, formally named the Microsoft Office Developer Workflow Toolbar (an ActiveX control).
Follow these steps to modify the XML for each data access page in the team solution:
- Open the data access page in Design view.
- On the View menu, click HTML Source.
- On the Edit menu, click Find and Replace.
- Search for the original development server name and replace it with the new deployment server name.
- Search for "Initial Catalog." Replace the Initial Catalog name (the original deployment database name) with the new deployment database name.
- Save the changes.
- Close the Microsoft Development Environment for each page.
- Close and save the data access page.
The Workflow Toolbar Control should now point and store data to the deployment server and database.
Additional query words:
pra accwfdesigner store dap
Keywords : kberrmsg kbdta modWFDesigner
Version : :
Platform :
Issue type : kbbug