MOD2000: Access Workflow Designer Add-ins Do Not Appear in Add-in Manager

ID: Q244246

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Developer


When you install the Access Workflow Designer, its add-ins do not appear in the Microsoft Access Add-in Manager.


The add-ins created by the Access Workflow Designer are Component Object Model (COM) add-ins, which do not appear in the Add-in Manager. However, they do appear in the COM Add-ins section of Microsoft Access.


Add the COM Add-ins command to the Tools menu. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On the Microsoft Access Tools menu, click Customize.

  2. Click the Commands tab.

  3. In the Categories list box, click Tools.

  4. In the Commands list box, click COM Add-ins. Drag COM Add-ins to a place on the Tools menu.

  5. Click Close.

  6. On the Tools menu, point to COM Add-ins. Note that the COM add-ins appear.


The COM add-ins for the Workflow Designer are in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Developer\Client\Bin
NOTE: This is the default location; the location may be different on your computer.

Note that files with an extension of .mde or .mda do not appear in this folder. Look for files that have either the .exe or the .dll extension. These are COM add-ins that are included with the Workflow Designer.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Install the Access Workflow Designer developer components on a computer running Windows 98.

  2. Start Microsoft Access. Open any Access project (.adp).

  3. On the Tools menu, point to Add-ins, and then click Add-in Manager.

  4. Click the Add New button. Note that you do not see the Workflow Designer add-ins.

Additional query words: prb addins

Keywords : kbdta modWFDesigner
Version : :
Platform :
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 19, 1999
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