OFF2000: Products That Qualify for the Microsoft Office Upgrade

ID: Q210437

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 2000


Microsoft Office is available in two versions, a retail version that you can install on any compatible computer, and an upgrade version that requires that a qualifying product be installed on your computer or that disk 1 from the qualifying product be available when you run the Setup program.

This article lists the products that qualify you to use the upgrade version of Office. The retail version does not require a qualifying product.

This applies to all packages of Office including Premium, Professional, Small Business, Standard, and Developer.

In additon, there are three products that qualify you to use the upgrade version of Office Developer.


If you purchase Microsoft Office 2000 Premium, Professional, Small Business, Standard, or Developer through a retail outlet or through volume-licensing programs such as Open or Select, and you are legally licensed for one of the following products, you qualify to purchase the upgrade product.

Qualifying product names are listed on the left, and their version numbers are listed on the right in the following table.

   Product                                Version
   -------                                -------

   Office Suites:

      Microsoft Office Professional,      Version 4.0 or later for 
      Small Business, Standard,           Microsoft Windows 
      Developer, and Value Added          and Windows NT Workstation.              
      Reseller (VAR) edition.     

      Microsoft Works, Works Deluxe,      Version 3.0 or later for MS-DOS-
      and Works Suite.                    based computers, Windows and 
                                          Windows NT Workstation.

   Word Processors:

      Microsoft Word                      Version 6.0 or later for MS-DOS-                                           
                                          based computers, Windows, and
                                          Windows NT Workstation.

      WordPerfect                         Versions 4.0 to 5.1 for MS-DOS-  
                                          based computers and versions 5.1 
                                          to 6.1 for Windows.*

      *Office productivity suites from Novell and Corel, which contain 
       WordPerfect 4.0 to 5.1 for MS-DOS-based computers or WordPerfect 
       5.1 to 6.1 for Windows, also qualify as an upgrade to Office.


      Microsoft Excel                     Version 5.0 or later for Windows 
                                          and Windows NT Workstation.

      Lotus 1-2-3                         Version 2.01 to 3.4 for MS-DOS- 
                                          based computers and versions 1.0 
                                          to 4.01 for Windows.*

      *Office productivity suites from Lotus, which contain Lotus 1-2-3 
       version 2.01 to 3.4 for MS-DOS-based computers and versions 1.0 to 
       4.01 for Windows, also qualify as an upgrade to Office.

   Presentation Graphics:

      Microsoft PowerPoint                Version 4.0 or later for Windows 
                                          and Windows NT Workstation.


      Microsoft Access                    Version 2.0 or later for Windows 
                                          and Windows NT Workstation.

   Project Management:

      Microsoft Project                   Version 4.0 or later for MS-DOS-
                                          based computers, Windows, and 
                                          Windows NT Workstation. 

If you purchase Microsoft Office 2000 Developer through a retail outlet or through volume-licensing programs such as Open or Select, and you are legally licensed for one of the following products, you qualify to purchase the upgrade product.

Qualifying product names are listed on the left, and their version numbers are listed on the right in the following table.

Product                                Version
-------                                -------
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional,  
Enterprise                             Version 97 or later for Windows
                                       and Windows NT Workstation.

Microsoft Visual Basic Professional, 
Enterprise                             Version 4.0 or later for Windows                                           and Windows NT or later 

Microsoft FoxPro                       Version 2.6 or later for MS-DOS- 
                                       based computers, Windows, and 
                                       Windows NT Workstation.

Microsoft Visual FoxPro                Version 3.0 or later for Windows 
                                       and Windows NT Workstation. 
For more information about upgrading Microsoft Office, please visit the following Microsoft World Wide Web site:

Additional query words: OFF2000

Keywords : kbsetup kbdta xlwinsetup
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 1, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.