OFF2000: Error Message During Setup: Ie5wzd Caused an Exception in Module Msjava.dll or Kernel32.dll
ID: Q235335
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 2000
Microsoft Access 2000
Microsoft Excel 2000
Microsoft FrontPage 2000
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000
Microsoft Word 2000
Microsoft Home Publishing Express 2000, version 2000
Microsoft Greetings 2000, version 2000
Microsoft Home Publishing 2000, version 2000
Microsoft Works Suite 2000
Microsoft Works 2000
Microsoft Vizact 2000
When you run Office Setup, an error message similar to one of the following may appear:
Ie5wzd caused an exception in module Msjava.dll
Ie5wzd caused an exception in module Kernel32.dll
This behavior may occur for either of the following reasons:
- The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (VM) is damaged.
- NetZip is installed on your computer.
To work around this issue, rename all copies of Msjava.dll and install Internet Explorer 5, using the following steps:
- Close all programs.
- On the Start menu, point to Find and click Files or Folders.
- In the Named box, type "Msjava.dll" (without the quotation marks).
- In the Look in box, select Local Hard Drives, if available, or drive C.
- Click Find Now.
- For each Msjava.dll file found, right-click the file and click Rename.
- Change the extension dll to old, and press ENTER.
NOTE: If Windows reports that Msjava.dll is in use even though all programs are closed, you may need to restart Windows and repeat these steps.
- To install Internet Explorer 5 from the Office 2000 CD-ROM, double-click IE5Setup.exe in the \IE5\En folder on the root of the CD-ROM drive.
- Install Microsoft Office 2000.
NOTE: If you are installing Microsoft Works 2000, Microsoft Works Suite 2000, Home Publishing 2000, Greetings 2000, or Home Publishing Express 2000 , the IE5Setup.exe is located in the following folders:
Program CD Path
------- -- -------------
Works 2000 1 \redist\IE5
Works Suite 2000 4 \MHP\REDIST\IE5
Home Publishing 2000 4 \MHP\REDIST\IE5
Home Publishing
Express 2000 4 \MHP\REDIST\IE5
Greetings 2000 4 \MHP\REDIST\IE5
For information about other ways to resolve this problem, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
If the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (VM) is damaged:
Q224540 Err Msg: Ie5wzd Caused an Exception C0010000H in Module...
If NetZip is installed on your computer:
Q228491 Err Msg: Ie5wzd Caused an Exception c0010000H in Module...
The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by
vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or
otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
Additional query words:
OFF2000 ie5 ie
Keywords : kbdta DTIR
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb