OFF97: Location of Template and Wizard Files

ID: Q161508

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


The following information describes the layout for the Microsoft Office 97 templates and wizards. Note that these files are installed by default to the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates folder.


The following is a list of the templates and wizards installed with Microsoft Office in the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates folder. Note that the short file names appear when you install Microsoft Office on a network server or on a local workstation if Windows 95 is not configured to handle long file names.

Short file name         Size     Long file name
NORMAL   DOT            27,136
BLANKP~1 POT             9,728   Blank Presentation.pot
TEMPLA~1 TXT             1,246   Templates.txt 

The following is a list of the templates and wizards installed with Microsoft Office to folders in the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates folder.

Short file name         Size      Long file name
REPORT   OBT            158,720   REPORT.OBT

Presentation Designs
ANGLES   POT             12,800   Angles.pot
DADSTI~1 POT             32,768   Dads Tie.pot
MEADOW   POT            133,120   Meadow.pot
ZESTY    POT             14,336   Zesty.pot
SERENE   POT            125,440   Serene.pot
PORTRA~1 POT             69,120   Portrait Notebook.pot
HIGHVO~1 POT             64,512   High voltage.pot
PULSE    POT             50,688   Pulse.pot
FANS     POT             36,352   Fans.pot
WHIRLP~1 POT             72,704   Whirlpool.pot
RIBBONS  POT             54,272   Ribbons.pot
BLUSH    POT             83,456   Blush.pot
CONTEM~1 POT             38,912   Contemporary Portrait.pot
NOTEBOOK POT             65,024   Notebook.pot
FIREBALL POT             31,232   Fireball.pot
PROFES~1 POT             60,928   Professional.pot
CONTEM~2 POT             20,992   Contemporary.pot

CONTEM~1 DOT             47,616   Contemporary
ELEGAN~1 DOT             41,984   Elegant
PROFES~1 DOT             41,984   Professional
MEMOWI~1 WIZ            415,744   Memo Wizard.wiz

Letters & Faxes
CONTEM~1 DOT             61,952   Contemporary
ELEGAN~1 DOT             48,640   Elegant
PROFES~1 DOT             49,152   Professional
FAXWIZ~1 WIZ            477,184   Fax Wizard.wiz
CONTEM~2 DOT             53,248   Contemporary
ELEGAN~2 DOT             47,104   Elegant
PROFES~2 DOT             47,104   Professional
LETTER~1 WIZ             63,488   Letter Wizard.wiz
MAILIN~1 WIZ             54,784   Mailing Label Wizard.wiz
ENVELO~1 WIZ             49,152   Envelope Wizard.wiz

ASSETT~1 MDZ             18,432   Asset Tracking.mdz
BOOKCO~1 MDZ             13,824   Book Collection.mdz
CONTAC~1 MDZ             18,432   Contact Management.mdz
DONATI~1 MDZ             18,432   Donations.mdz
EVENTM~1 MDZ             18,432   Event Management.mdz
EXPENSES MDZ             18,432   Expenses.mdz
HOUSEH~1 MDZ             13,824   Household Inventory.mdz
INVENT~1 MDZ             18,432   Inventory Control.mdz
LEDGER   MDZ             13,824   Ledger.mdz
MEMBER~1 MDZ             18,432   Membership.mdz
MUSICC~1 MDZ             13,824   Music Collection.mdz
ORDERE~1 MDZ             18,432   Order Entry.mdz
PICTUR~1 MDZ             13,824   Picture Library.mdz
RECIPES  MDZ             13,824   Recipes.mdz
RESOUR~1 MDZ             18,432   Resource Scheduling.mdz
STUDEN~1 MDZ             13,824   Students and Classes.mdz
SERVIC~1 MDZ             18,432   Service Call Management.mdz
TIMEAN~1 MDZ             18,432   Time and Billing.mdz
VIDEOC~1 MDZ             13,824   Video Collection.mdz
WINELI~1 MDZ             13,824   Wine List.mdz
WORKOUT  MDZ             13,824   Workout.mdz
ADDRES~1 MDZ             13,824   Address Book.mdz


COMPAN~1 POT             33,792   Company Meeting (Online).pot
COMPAN~2 POT             31,744   Company Meeting (Standard).pot
THANKI~1 POT             37,888   Thanking A Speaker - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
MOTIVA~1 POT             43,520   Motivating A Team - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
SELLIN~1 POT             41,984   Selling Your Ideas - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
PRESEN~1 POT             49,664   Presentation Guidelines - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
MANAGI~1 POT             45,568   Managing HR's Changing Role - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
INTROD~1 POT             40,448   Introducing A Speaker - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
FACILI~1 POT             43,520   Facilitating A Meeting - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
PRESEN~2 POT             41,472   Presenting A Technical Report - Dale
                                  Carnegie Training (R).pot
FLYER(~1 POT            102,400   Flyer (Online).pot
FLYER(~2 POT             20,992   Flyer (Standard).pot
HRINFO~1 POT            120,832   H.R. Information Kiosk (Online).pot
HRINFO~2 POT             60,928   H.R. Information Kiosk (Standard).pot
MARKET~1 POT            101,888   Marketing Plan (Online).pot
MARKET~2 POT             68,096   Marketing Plan (Standard).pot
PROJEC~1 POT             84,480   Project Status (Online).pot
PROJEC~2 POT             77,824   Project Status (Standard).pot
RECOMM~1 POT             48,640   Recommending a Strategy (Online).pot
RECOMM~2 POT             47,616   Recommending a Strategy (Standard).pot
PRODUC~1 POT             74,240   Product Overview (Online).pot
PRODUC~2 POT             56,832   Product Overview (Standard).pot
CORPOR~1 POT            145,920   Corporate Financial Overview (Online).pot
CORPOR~2 POT            158,720   Corporate Financial Overview
GENERI~1 POT             25,088   Generic (Online).pot
GENERI~2 POT             23,040   Generic (Standard).pot
ORGANI~1 POT             89,600   Organization Overview (Online).pot
ORGANI~2 POT             86,016   Organization Overview (Standard).pot
PERSON~1 POT             52,224   Personal Home Page (Online).pot
PERSON~2 POT             45,056   Personal Home Page (Standard).pot
PROJEC~3 POT             71,168   Project Overview (Online).pot
PROJEC~4 POT             32,256   Project Overview (Standard).pot
AUTOCO~1 PWZ            225,792   AutoContent Wizard.pwz
BUSINE~1 POT             76,288   Business Plan (Online).pot
BUSINE~2 POT             61,440   Business Plan (Standard).pot
CORPOR~3 POT            100,352   Corporate Home Page (Online).pot
CORPOR~4 POT             95,744   Corporate Home Page (Standard).pot
REPORT~1 POT             38,400   Reporting Progress (Online).pot
REPORT~2 POT             26,624   Reporting Progress (Standard).pot

Web Pages
SAMPLE~1 POT            174,080   Sample Banner1.pot
SAMPLE~2 POT             33,280   Sample Banner2.pot
MORECO~1 DOT             88,064   More Cool
WEBPAG~1 WIZ             37,888   Web Page Wizard.wiz

Spreadsheet Solutions
INVOICE  XLT            303,616   Invoice.XLT
VILLAG~1 XLT             56,832   Village Software.xlt
EXPENS~1 XLT            337,920   Expense Statement.xlt
PURCHA~1 XLT            314,880   Purchase Order.xlt

Other Documents
MORETE~1 DOT             94,208   More Templates and
CONTEM~1 DOT             53,248   Contemporary
ELEGAN~1 DOT             54,784   Elegant
PROFES~1 DOT             44,544   Professional
RESUME~1 WIZ            428,544   Resume Wizard.wiz

NEWSLE~1 WIZ            424,448   Newsletter Wizard.wiz

CONTEM~1 DOT             89,600   Contemporary
ELEGAN~1 DOT             57,856   Elegant
PROFES~1 DOT             60,416   Professional

Legal Pleadings
PLEADI~1 WIZ            680,960   Pleading Wizard.wiz

EMAIL    OFT             12,288   Email.oft
HIGHTECH OFT             12,288   Hightech.oft
FLAME    OFT             12,288   Flame.oft
URGENT   OFT             12,288   Urgent.oft
OCEAN    OFT             14,848   Ocean.oft
RAIN     OFT             12,288   Rain.oft
MIDNIGHT OFT             12,288   Midnight.oft
WHILEY~1 OFT             81,408   While You Were Out.oft
APPOIN~1 OFT             14,848   Appointment.oft
CONTACT  OFT             17,408   CONTACT.oft
MAIL     OFT             12,288   MAIL.oft
POST     OFT             12,800   POST.oft
TASK     OFT             13,824   TASK.oft 

Additional query words: off97 8.3 Filename

Keywords : xltemp xlwiz offwinsetup offlocal
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.