OFF97: Files Installed with the Data Access Component

ID: Q161613

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


This article contains a list of files that are installed when you run the Office Setup program and click Data Access.

NOTE: This article assumes that you previously performed a Custom installation and selected all available options for the Data Access component. It also assumes that you installed these files in their default folder locations.


The Data Access component includes the following subcomponents:

Microsoft Access Driver
DBase and Microsoft FoxPro Drivers
Microsoft Excel Driver
Microsoft SQL Driver
Text and HTML Driver
Microsoft Query
Data Access Objects for Visual Basic
The following table lists the files that are installed when you run the Office Setup program and click Data Access.

Filename                  Size     Description (when available)

Windows\System Folder:

12520437.cpx             2,151
12520850.cpx             2,233
Convdsn.exe              7,680     Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Data
                                   Source Name (DSN) conversion sample 

Dbnmpntw.dll            23,522     Named pipes net dynamic-link library
                                   (DLL) for Structured Query Language
                                   (SQL) clients 

Drvssrvr.hlp            87,427
Ds16gt.dll               4,656     ODBC driver setup generic thunk 

Ds32gt.dll               5,632     ODBC driver setup generic thunk 

Jetsql35.cnt               337
Jetsql35.hlp           198,576
Mscpxl32.dll            14,848     ODBC code page translator 

Msexcl35.dll           254,976     Jet Microsoft Excel indexed sequential
                                   access method (ISAM) 

Mstext35.dll           166,912     Jet text ISAM 

Msxbse35.dll           290,816     Jet xBase ISAM 

Odbc16gt.dll          26,224       ODBC driver generic thunk 

Odbc32gt.dll          8,192        ODBC driver generic thunk 

Odbcjet.cnt              6,931
Odbcjet.hlp            163,384
Odbcjtnw.cnt             3,176
Odbcjtnw.hlp            61,269
Oddbse32.dll             5,120     ODBC (3.0) driver for Dbase 

Odexl32.dll              5,120     ODBC (3.0) driver for Microsoft Excel 

Odfox32.dll              5,120     ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro 

Odtext32.dll             5,120     ODBC (3.0) driver for text files 

Sqlsrv32.dll           224,224     Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver 

Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office Folder:

Customer.dbf               918
Employee.dbf               526              85,868
Msqry32.cnt              4,539
Msqry32.exe            760,920     Microsoft Query 

Msqry32.hlp            311,595
Orders.dbf                 989
Qryint32.dll            93,456     Query international DLL 

Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Library\MSQuery Folder:

Xlodbc.xla              50,176
Xlodbc32.dll            67,584 

Xlquery.xla             71,680     Query add-in for Microsoft Excel 5.0

For additional information about data access files that are installed with Microsoft Office 97, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q156835 OFF97: Complete Setup Doesn't Install All ODBC Drivers

Additional query words: OFF97 8.00

Keywords : kbsetup offwinsetup
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.