OFF97: Cannot Use Quiet Mode to Install ValuPack Components

ID: Q165782

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


When you install any of the components that are included in the Microsoft Office 97 ValuPack, you cannot run any of the Setup programs for these components in quiet mode. You cannot use quiet mode even if you include any of the following switches on the command line for the Setup program:


As a result, you cannot automate running the Setup programs. You must run each Setup program manually.


This problem occurs because the Setup programs for ValuPack components are not designed to run in quiet mode.

If you want to install ValuPack components on a particular computer, you must run the Setup program for each component at that computer and proceed manually through all of the dialog boxes that are displayed by the Setup program.


This behavior is by design of the Setup programs for the components included in the Microsoft Office 97 ValuPack.


When you install a Microsoft program, you may be able to install the program in quiet mode. When you install a program in quiet mode, the Setup program does not display many (or any) of the dialog boxes that are normally displayed. Usually, you can run a Microsoft Setup program in quiet mode by adding a "/q" switch to the command line that you use to run the Setup program.

Microsoft Office 97 ValuPack components that are installed by running an executable program (an .exe file) do not support installation in quiet mode. This is because the installation technology that is used by these programs is different from the installation technology that is used by Microsoft Office 97.

The following Microsoft Office 97 ValuPack components do not support quiet mode installation:

Animated Cursors
Avery Wizard
Data Access Pack
Lotus cc:Mail information service
Microsoft ActiveMovie
Microsoft Camcorder
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
Microsoft Office 97 sounds
Microsoft Office Far East support
Microsoft Outlook templates and forms
Microsoft Outlook import and export converters
Microsoft PowerPoint Custom Soundtrack
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 95
Microsoft Publish to ActiveMovie Stream Format
Microsoft Publisher trial version
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard
Microsoft Word Viewer 7.1
Microsoft Plus! Themes patch
Microsoft Works 4.0a patch
Timex Data Link Watch Wizard

Additional query words: OFF97 sms server management software push

Keywords : kbsetup offwinsetup offadmin offupgrade offlocal
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999
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