OFF97: Behavior of the Edit Menu Item for a Control Differs

ID: Q167987

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 For Windows
  • Microsoft Access 97


In any of the programs listed at the beginning of this article, when you right-click a control in a document, the Edit menu item on the shortcut menu may behave differently in each program. This article explains the differences in behavior.


When you use the Control Toolbox to insert a control into a document, worksheet, presentation, or UserForm, you can view and/or edit the properties of the control by right-clicking it, and then clicking the appropriate menu item on the shortcut menu.

One of the menu items on the shortcut menu is either "<ObjectType>" or "<ObjectType> Object," where <ObjectType> is the name of the type of control (for example, CommandButton, OptionButton, CheckBox, and so on). If you point to this menu item, and then click Edit, you receive different results in different programs. These results are listed in the following table.

   Program                   Result

   Microsoft Excel 97        The control is activated so that you can
                             change its caption.

   Microsoft Word 97         The Code window for the control is displayed
                             so that you can edit the subroutine attached
                             to the control.

   Microsoft PowerPoint 97   The Code Window for the control is activated
                             so that you can edit the subroutine attached
                             to the control. 
In Microsoft Access 97, you receive an error message similar to the following:
The operation on the <ObjectType> object failed.
The OLE server may not be registered.
To register the OLE server, reinstall it.
Note that this behavior is by design of Microsoft Access 97.

If you want to activate the Code window for a control in Microsoft Excel 97, right-click the control and click View Code on the shortcut menu, or double-click the control.

If you want to change the caption for a control in Microsoft Word 97 or Microsoft PowerPoint 97, right-click the control, click Properties, and then change the caption in the Properties window.

Additional query words: OFF97 XL97 WORD97 PPT97 ACC97 ocx

Keywords : xlui
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 9, 1999
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