OFF97: "I/O Error" Creating New Data Source Under Windows NT
ID: Q173158
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
In Microsoft Excel 97, if you point to Get External Data on the Data menu,
and then click Create New Query to create a new data source, you may
receive the following error message:
Microsoft Query
I/O error during save. You may have typed an invalid file name.
This problem may occur if all of the following conditions are true:
- Your computer is running Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0.
- You install Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Windows NT 4.0.
- You then perform a Run From Network Server (RFS) installation of
Microsoft Office 97 from a server that contains an administrative
installation of Microsoft Office 97.
NOTE: This problem does not occur if you are running Microsoft Windows 95,
if you perform a Typical or Custom installation of Microsoft Office 97 from
a CD or an administrative installation point, or if you install Microsoft
Office 97 before you install Service Pack 3.
To work around this problem, follow these steps:
- Quit all running programs.
- Use Windows NT Explorer to go to the Winnt\System32 folder on
the hard disk. Delete or rename the following file:
- On the Start menu, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. In the
Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. Click the
Install/Uninstall tab. In the list of programs, click Microsoft Office
97. Then, click Add/Remove.
- In the Microsoft Office 97 Setup dialog box, click Remove All. When
you are prompted to remove Microsoft Office 97, click Yes. When you are
prompted to remove shared components, click Yes.
- After Microsoft Office 97 is removed from your computer, reconnect
to the network server that contains the administrative installation
point for Microsoft Office 97, and then run the Setup program located
on the server.
- Install Microsoft Office 97.
After you install Microsoft Office 97, start Microsoft Excel 97. You can
then create a new data source.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products
listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this problem
and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it
becomes available.
The following combination of factors cause this problem to occur:
If you install Microsoft Office 97 BEFORE you install Service Pack 3, the
Setup program creates the correct registry keys, and you are able to create
new data sources without receiving this error message.
Additional query words:
OFF97 XL97
Keywords : kberrmsg xlquery offwinsetup offrfs
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug