OFF97: Files Copied Twice During an Administrative Installation
ID: Q188393
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
When you perform an administrative installation of Microsoft Office 97,
duplicate files are installed to the <Network Path>:\MSapps folder on the
NOTE: This is where the folder of files that will be shared by more than
one user or computer is stored. This is the second destination folder that
Microsoft Office 97 administrative mode setup requests (MSAPPS). This is
not the Microsoft Office installation folder (MSOFFICE).
To remove the duplicate files, you can delete the following folder on the
<Network Path>:\MSapps\Office
where <Network Path> is the complete location of the administrative
installation, including the network drive and any folders used.
NOTE: The default path is similar to the following:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Office 97 for
The following is a list of duplicate files. The list of duplicate files is
approximately 20 megabytes in size.
Directory of <Network Path>:\MSapps\Office
Actors <DIR>
Findfast cnt 1 11/17/96
Findfast exe 109 11/17/96
Findfast hlp 28 11/17/96
Gr8409 dll 5 11/17/96
Graph8 aw 290 11/17/96
Graph8 cnt 17 11/17/96
Graph8 exe 1,560 11/17/96
Graph8 hlp 509 11/17/96
Graph8 olb 109 11/17/96
Graph8 srg 6 11/17/96
Grintl32 dll 158 11/17/96
Hlink srg 1 11/17/96
Hlp95en dll 31 11/17/96
Ifilter cnv 45 11/17/96
Misc srg 6 11/17/96
Mrt7enu dll 476 11/17/96
Msacc8 olb 304 11/17/96
Msaccess exe 2,929 11/17/96
Msaccess srg 28 11/17/96
Msacnv30 dll 232 11/17/96
Msacnv30 exe 100 11/17/96
Msaexp30 dll 165 11/17/96
Msain800 dll 489 11/17/96
Mso7enu dll 476 11/17/96
Mso97 dll 3,686 11/17/96
Mso97fx dll 9 11/17/96
Msoc dll 84 11/17/96
Msroute dll 69 11/17/96
Ofnew8 cnt 1 11/17/96
OfNew8 hlp 10 11/17/96
Oftip8 hlp 581 11/17/96
Osa exe 51 11/17/96
Osaintl dll 6 11/17/96
Soa800 dll 203 11/17/96
Utility mda 312 11/17/96
Vbagrp8 cnt 1 11/17/96
Vbagrp8 hlp 18 11/17/96
Directory of <Network Path>:\MSapps\Office\Actors
Clippit act 458 11/17/96
Dot act 432 11/17/96
Genius act 1,855 11/17/96
Hoverbot act 445 11/17/96
Logo act 349 11/17/96
Mnature act 1,873 11/17/96
Powerpup act 469 11/17/96
Scribble act 369 11/17/96
Will act 391 11/17/96
NOTE: When you create an administrative installation of Microsoft Office 97
from the Enterprise Edition CD-ROM, Hlp95en.dll is not duplicated.
Additional query words:
OFF97 admin extra
Keywords : kbdta offwinsetup offadmin
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug