OFF97: Topics Added to Office 97 Resource Kit

ID: Q215377

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit


Several topics have been added to the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit and are available from the Web-based version at the following World Wide Web location:


The following sections have been added to the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit:

Note: These topics are missing from "Appendix A" of the printed version of the Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit. The files referenced by the following sections are not included on the Office 97 Resource Kit CD-ROM, but are available by download.

Information on Using Microsoft Office 97 in a Global Environment

The Tools and Utilities CD includes a document that answers the most common questions about supporting Office in multilingual environments.

To view the Office 97 Global Environment document:

Download and run Global.exe (152 KB).

Importing and Exporting Files with Outlook Express

The document Oeimport.doc describes how to use the importing and exporting tools included with Outlook Express for the Macintosh. For more information about switching to Outlook Express, see "Switching to Outlook Express" in Chapter 19, "Switching to Microsoft Outlook."

To view the Switching to Outlook Express document:

Download and run Oeimport.exe.

For additional information about international functionality in Word 97, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q159950 WD97: General Information About International Functionality

Additional query words: cyrillic europe font foreign indonesian intl international language locale keyboard unicode

Keywords : kbdta word97
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999
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