OFF97: ErrMsg: "Required Source Cannot Be Located" Running SR-1 or SR-2 Patch Install
ID: Q249275
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
When you run the Office 97 SR-1 or Office 97 SR-2 Patch installation, the following error message may appear:
Required Source Cannot Be Located
After you receive this message and proceed to the "Acceptance of Agreement" and click OK, the following error message appears:
A required resource appears to be corrupted
These error messages will appear if the following are true:
- You downloaded SR-1 or SR-2 from the Office Update Web site.
- You are using America OnLine (AOL)
as your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
NOTE: After you downloaded SR-2, you received a message indicating the download was complete.
To work around this issue, use the following steps:
- Establish an Internet connection by letting AOL dial and connect to
the Internet. Minimize AOL.
NOTE: Do not quit AOL; you must leave AOL running to provide the Internet connection.
- On the Start menu, point to Programs and click Internet Explorer.
- In the Address Bar, type one of the following URLs:
- Begin the download process. After the download is completed, the following message will appear:
Download Complete
Additional query words:
offup OFF97 sr2 sr1 97 down load
Keywords : kbdta kbofficeupdate
Version : :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb