OFF98: How to Remove Microsoft Office 98 from Your Computer
ID: Q179861
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition
This article discusses how to remove Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition
from your computer.
MORE INFORMATIONUsing the Microsoft Office Installer to Remove Office
You can use the Microsoft Office Installer to remove the main Office 98
program files from your computer. The Microsoft Office Installer does not
remove any of your document files, custom templates, System Folder items,
or Value Pack components.
To use the Microsoft Office Installer program to remove Office 98 from your
computer, follow these steps:
- Insert the Microsoft Office compact disc (CD) into the CD-ROM drive.
- Open the Office Custom Install folder.
- Double-click Microsoft Office Installer.
- Click Remove in the list box.
- Click the hard disk on which Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition is
installed in the Install Location list.
NOTE: If you have moved or renamed the Microsoft Office 98 folder, you
need to click Select Folder in the Install Location list box, then
select your Office 98 folder. If you fail to do this, Office 98 will not
be removed from your computer.
- Click Remove to begin the remove operation.
- Click OK in the dialog box that indicates the remove operation was
- Click Quit to close the Microsoft Office Installer.
The files that are not deleted when you click Remove in the Microsoft
Office Installer are listed in the following table.
NOTE: The Text Encoding Converter file is also installed by Microsoft
Office (in the System Folder:Extensions folder) and is not removed when you
click Remove in the installer dialog box. However, do not manually delete
this file if you are using Macintosh System Software version 8.1 because
the file is a required System file. You cannot restart your computer using
the System Folder on your hard disk if the file is missing.
File Name Folder
Internet Config Extension System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft Component Library System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft Hyperlink Library System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft OLE Automation System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft OLE Library System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft RPC Runtime Library System Folder:Extensions
Microsoft Structured Storage System Folder:Extensions
MS C++ Library (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Configuration Lib (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Container Lib (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Favorites Library (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Internet Library (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Parser Library (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Preferences Library (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
MS Variant Lib (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:MS Library
StandardOLE Types (PPC) System Folder:Extensions:Type Libraries
Standard OLE Types 2 System Folder:Extensions:Type Libraries
vba en olb (PowerMac) System Folder:Extensions:Type Libraries
Configuration Manager System Folder:Control Panels
Microsoft Office Manager System Folder:Control Panels
Arial System Folder:Fonts
Arial Black System Folder:Fonts
Impact System Folder:Fonts
Monotype Sorts System Folder:Fonts
MT Extra System Folder:Fonts
Symbol System Folder:Fonts
Times New Roman System Folder:Fonts
Wingdings System Folder:Fonts
Advanced Networking System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Cookies System Folder:MS Preference Panels
File Helpers System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Generel E-mail System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Home and Search System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Password Dialogs System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Protocol Helpers System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Proxies System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Ratings System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Security System Folder:MS Preference Panels
User Passwords System Folder:MS Preference Panels
Custom Dictionary System Folder:Preferences
Embedding Preferences System Folder:Preferences
Excel Settings (8) System Folder:Preferences
Internet Preferences System Folder:Preferences
Microsoft Office Settings (8) System Folder:Preferences
MS Office ACL (8) System Folder:Preferences
Office Registration Cache System Folder:Preferences
PowerPoint Settings (8) System Folder:Preferences
PPC Registration Database System Folder:Preferences
Word Font Menu Cache (8) System Folder:Preferences
Word Settings (8) System Folder:Preferences NOTE: Deleting the following files may cause problems in some non-Office programs. For example, deleting these files may cause Microsoft Internet Explorer to display garbled text.
Arabic Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Central European Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Chinese Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Chinese Encodings Supplement System Folder:Text Encodings
Cyrillic Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Greek Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Hebrew Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Indic Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Japanese Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Korean Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Symbol Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Thai Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Turkish Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Unicode Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Western Language Encodings System Folder:Text Encodings
Using the Remove Office 98 Program to Remove Office
You can use version 1.1 of the Remove Office 98 program to completely
remove Office 98 from your computer. Version 1.1 of the Remove Office 98
program is available at the Microsoft World Wide Web site.
To obtain Remove Office 98 version 1.1, use your Web browser to go to the
following address:
NOTE: You may have a program named Remove Office 98 on your Office 98 CD.
However, due to a problem that was found with the original version of the
Remove Office 98 program Microsoft recommends that you use version 1.1 of
Remove Office 98.
For more information about potential problems that may occur when you use
the original version of the Remove Office 98 program, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q182936 OFF98: Remove Office 98 Utility Issue
To remove Office 98 from your computer, follow these steps:
- Double-click Remove Office 98 v1.1.
- In the Install Location list, click the hard disk on which Microsoft
Office 98 is installed.
NOTE: If you select a network volume from the Install Location list,
you receive the following error message:
The selected disk named <volume name> is a network server volume.
The Installer cannot install onto network server volumes. Please
select another disk.
The Remove Office 98 program cannot be used to remove Office 98
from a network server volume.
- Click Remove.
- You must decide whether to delete preference files and library files
that may be shared with other programs. Click Keep to keep the files or
click Discard to delete the shared preference files.
- Click Discard when you are prompted to move the Microsoft Office 98
folder to the Trash. If you click Keep, the Microsoft Office 98
folder and its contents are not removed from the computer.
- Click OK in the dialog box that indicates that you successfully
removed Office.
- Click Quit to close the Remove Office 98 v1.1 program.
All of the Microsoft Office 98 program files are moved to the Trash.
If you want, open the Trash to view the contents of the Trash to see
if any of your document files have been moved there.
Click Empty Trash on the Special menu to reclaim the hard disk space
used by Office.
Additional query words:
OFF98 office98 reinstall remove clean all Office PPT
Keywords : kbsetup kbdta OffVBA offmac offmacsetup offupgrade offlocal
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo