OFF98: System and Disk Space Requirements for MS Office 98 Gold

ID: Q180521

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition


This article contains a listing of the system requirements and disk space requirements for Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition Gold and the stand- alone programs included in Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition Gold.


System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition Gold, you need:

  • Any PowerPC processor-based, Mac OS-compatible system (clock speed of at least 120 MHz recommended)

    NOTE: Although a clock speed of 120MHz is recommended, there is no minimum clock speed requirement for Office 98.

  • Apple Mac OS System 7.5 or later (System 7.5.5 or later recommended)

  • 16 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM) to run applications individually; more memory is required to run additional applications simultaneously (32 MB recommended)

  • 49-120 MB of available hard-disk space; approximately 90 MB for Easy Install, depending on configuration

  • CD-ROM drive (or connection to a Local Area Network if installing over network)

  • Monitor or display supporting 16 grays or 256 colors or higher, with 640 x 400 or higher resolution

Additional items or services that are required to use certain features:

  • 9600 or higher-baud modem (14,400 recommended)

  • Some Internet functionality may require Internet access and payment of a separate fee to a service provider

Additional hard-disk requirements that are required for Value Pack components:

  • Up to 160 MB to add optional clip art, templates, help, or other components from the Value Pack

  • Up to 10 MB to install Internet Explorer

To use Encarta 98 Encyclopedia Deluxe Edition, you need:

  • 16 MB of RAM

  • 43 MB of available hard disk space

  • Double-speed or faster CD-ROM drive

To use Encarta Research Organizer, you need:

  • 8 MB of additional hard disk space

  • 6 MB of additional RAM if running concurrently with the encyclopedia

To use Encarta Yearbook, Web Links, and monthly online updates, you need:

  • 9600 or higher-baud modem

  • Access to the Internet

  • 4 MB of additional hard disk space, plus 1 MB for each monthly installment

  • Web browser (Internet Explorer 4.0 included)

To use Microsoft FrontPage 1.0 Macintosh Edition, you need:

  • 16 MB of RAM with virtual memory turned on; 24 MB recommended

  • 30 MB of available hard disk space

  • Open Transport 1.1 or later.

  • QuickTime (TM) required for inserting QuickTime movies

  • Access to the Internet

To use Microsoft Bookshelf 98, you need:

  • 8 MB of RAM

  • Double-speed or faster CD-ROM drive

  • Modem required for Internet links

Additional query words: OFF98 XL98 WD98 PP98 FP98 configuration

Keywords : kbsetup offmac offmacsetup
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 3, 1999
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