OFF98: Microsoft Excel Type Libraries for Foreign Language Macros Available in the Value Pack

ID: Q181574

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition


The Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition Value Pack includes a number of additional type libraries that are designed for use with Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition. This article explains why you may need these type libraries and how you can install them.


Why Do I Need to Install Type Libraries?

In earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, such as Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, version 5.0, Visual Basic for Applications macros can be written in different languages. In fact, if you use one language version of Microsoft Excel 5.0, you must write macros in the same language. For example, if you use the German version of Microsoft Excel 5.0, you must write Visual Basic macros in German.

However, in Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows and Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, all Visual Basic macros are written in English. This is true regardless of the language version of Microsoft Excel that you are using. Furthermore, you cannot run macros that are written in another language in Microsoft Excel 98 unless you install a type library that supports the foreign language. You can install these type libraries by running the Value Pack Installer program, which is located in the Value Pack folder on the Microsoft Office 98 compact disc.

NOTE: These files are located in the ValuPack folder on the Microsoft Office 97 compact disc.

What Type Libraries Are Available?

Prior to installation, type libraries are stored in the following folder on the Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition compact disc:
Value Pack:Programmability:Excel:Type Libraries
After installation, type libraries are stored in one of the following folders on your hard disk:
Microsoft Office 98:Office
System Folder:Extensions:Type Libraries
The type libraries that are available are listed in the following table.

   Type library                      Language     Folder

   Biblioteca de objetos de Excel    Spanish      Office
   Dansk Excel-Objektbibliotek       Danish       Office
   Deutsche Excel-Objektbibliothek   German       Office
   Excel 5.0-objectbibliotheek(NL)   Dutch        Office
   Excel English Lexicon             English      Office
   Excel Japanese Lexicon            Japanese     Office
   Excel norsk objektbibliotek       Norwegian    Office
   Excel svenskt objektbibliotek     Swedish      Office
   Lexico Portugues do Excel         Portuguese   Office
   Lexique francais Excel            French       Office
   Libreria di oggetti di Excel      Italian      Office
   VBA DA OLB (PowerMac)             Danish       Type Libraries
   VBA DBCS Converter (1.0)          Japanese     Type Libraries
   vba de olb (PowerMac)             German       Type Libraries
   vba end olb (PowerMac)            English      Type Libraries
   vba es olb (PowerMac)             Spanish      Type Libraries
   vba fr olb (PowerMac)             French       Type Libraries
   VBA IT OLB (PowerMac)             Italian      Type Libraries
   vba jp olb (PowerMac)             Japanese     Type Libraries
   VBA NL OLB (PowerMac)             Dutch        Type Libraries
   VBA NO OLB (PowerMac)             Norwegian    Type Libraries
   vba PTG olb (PowerMac)            Portuguese   Type Libraries
   VBA SV OLB (PowerMac)             Swedish      Type Libraries 

How Do I Install These Type Libraries?

To install additional type libraries, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the Value Pack Installer, which is located in the Value Pack folder.

  2. Click the arrow (>) to the left of Programmability. Then, click the arrow to the left of Excel Type Libraries.

  3. Click to select the check box for each set of type libraries that you want to install.

  4. When you are finished selecting the items that you want to install, click Install.

    The type libraries are automatically installed into the correct folder' on the hard disk.

For more information, double-click the "About the Value Pack" Help file in the Value Pack folder. Click Value Pack Components, and then click Programmability.

Additional query words: OFF98 XL98

Keywords : kbprg kbtool kbdta xlvbainfo offmac offvalpak
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 27, 1999
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