OFF98: How to Use Online Registration
ID: Q183083
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition
Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition
Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Macintosh Edition
This article contains information about using the Online Registration
command on the Help menu to register Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition.
To use the Online Registration command, you must have the following items:
- A Web browser that is installed and configured correctly
- Access to the Internet
NOTE: If you do not have access to the Internet, you can register Office 98
by mailing the registration card that is included in the Office 98 box.
To register Office 98 online, follow these steps:
- Make a note of your Product ID number.
You can obtain your Product ID by clicking the About <Program Name> on
the Apple menu where <Product Name> is the name of an Office program.
For example, in Microsoft Excel, click About Microsoft Excel on the
Apple menu to obtain your Product ID number.
- On the Help menu, click Online Registration.
- Click the "Click here to register online" hyperlink.
- Enter the appropriate information in the following required fields:
E-mail Address
Choose a password
Type your password again
Language Preference
I use a computer
NOTE: If you have previously registered on a Microsoft Web site, click
Remember Me. Enter your e-mail address and password, and then click
Look up Record.
- Click Next.
- Make the appropriate location in the "Please indicate where you will be
using this registered product" field.
- Type the Product ID in the Product ID box.
- Enter the appropriate information in the following required fields:
First Name
Last Name
Which category best describes your computing role at work?
Company Name
- Click Next.
You go to the Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition home page.
For additional information about problems using Online Registration, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF98: Web Help Menu Items and Hyperlinks Do Not Work
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbdta offmac offweb xlweb
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbhowto