OFF98: Blank Icons Appear for Office Documents

ID: Q183595

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition


After you install Microsoft Office 98, the icons for some or all of your Office documents are blank.


This problem may occur if you have installed Office 4.2 after October 22, 1997. Note that the blank icons may also appear if you have a corrupt desktop.


To work around the problem, choose one of the following methods:

Method 1: Reinstall Office

  1. Remove Office 4.2 from your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Microsoft Office folder on your hard disk.

    2. Double-click Microsoft Office Setup.

    3. Click Remove All.

      Office 4.2 is removed from your computer.

  2. Point to Control Panels on the Apple menu, and then click Date Time. Set the date that appears in the Current Date box to any date prior to October 22, 1997.

  3. Reinstall Office 4.2.

  4. Rebuild the desktop file. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Restart the computer.

    2. When the welcome screen appears as the computer is restarting, press and hold COMMAND+OPTION.

    3. When you are prompted to rebuild the desktop file, release the keys and click OK.

  5. Point to Control Panels on the Apple menu, and then click Date & Time. Set the date that appears in the Current Date box to the current date.

The icons for your Office documents should no longer be blank.

Method 2 - Rebuild the Desktop

  1. Insert the Office 98 CD into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Rebuild the desktop file. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Restart the computer.

    2. When the welcome screen appears as the computer is restarting, press and continue to hold COMMAND+OPTION.

    3. When you are prompted to rebuild the desktop file, release the keys and click OK.

NOTE: If your Office document icons become blank again, you will have to repeat the steps listed above.

Additional query words: OFF98 WD98 XL98 PP98 generic Macword98 Word98

Keywords : kbsetup kbdta offmacsetup
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 14, 1999
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