OFF98: Euro Symbol Replaced by Underscore in Windows Document

ID: Q193193

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Macintosh Edition


When you open a file in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, you may receive the following error message:

This file has unicode characters that could not be converted to the
active codepage. Since some data has been lost, the workbook is being
marked read-only.
If you click OK, the file opens. However, one or more characters have been replaced by the underscore character(_), and the file is opened read- only.

When you open a document in Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition or Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Macintosh Edition, one or more characters have been replaced by the underscore character.


This problem occurs when you open a document that was created in an Office for Windows program in any Office 98 program that contains the Euro currency symbol. When you open a document that contains the Euro symbol, all occurrences of the symbol are replaced with the underscore character.


To correct this problem, obtain the Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5. For more information about the Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q194430 OFF98: How to Obtain and Install Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5


In order for a program to support the Euro symbol, the Macintosh Operating System (OS) must have Euro-compatible fonts. Macintosh OS version 8.5 is the first version of the Macintosh OS to support the Euro symbol.

Additional query words: OFF98 XL98 WD98 PP98

Keywords : kbdta
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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