HOWTO: Automate MailMerge in Word 2000 Using Visual J++ ( Java )
ID: Q244219
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word 2000
Microsoft Visual J++, version 6.0
This article provides sample code that creates a mailmerge datasource, saves it as a text file, and then creates a mailmerge main document. The code then merges the address data of the datasource with the main document and sends the main document as an e-mail message.
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are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to
create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality
of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
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The Visual J++ project that includes the code sample below is a Console application. It requires that you have both of the products shown on the section of this article labeled "The information in this article applies to:"
- Start Visual J++. Specify a new Console application.
- Provide an appropriate name for the project. The sample code was developed in a project named "WordAuto."
- When the project workspace opens, click Project on the menu bar, and click Add COM Wrapper. From the list box, check the box on the line for Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library. Click OK and give the compiler time to generate the classes for the Word object model.
- In the Project Explorer window, double-click the icon for Class to open the shell in the Code window. Then copy and paste the code below into that window, replacing the code and comments that are there:
* This class can take a variable number of parameters on the command
* line. Program execution begins with the main() method. The class
* constructor is not invoked unless an object of type 'Class1'
* created in the main() method.
import msword9.*; // Word object model support
import*; // Variant & exception support
public class Class1
* The main entry point for the application.
* @param args Array of parameters passed to the application
* via the command line.
public static void main (String[] args)
// Force COM objects to be created on the current thread
// Otherwise, older VMs might not release all references
// and Word might continue to run after you shut down.
// Variable declarations
msword9._Application appWord = null;
msword9.Documents docs = null;
msword9.Document adoc = null;
msword9.Selection selection = null;
msword9.Range range = null;
msword9.Range range2 = null;
msword9.Font font = null;
msword9.Sections sections = null;
msword9.Section section = null;
msword9.MailMerge mailmerge = null;
msword9.MailMergeFields mailmergefields = null;
msword9.MailMergeField mailmergefield = null;
msword9.MailMergeDataSource datasource = null;
// Define the Word _Application object reference
appWord = (_Application) new Application();
// Bind it to WinWord.exe
appWord = (_Application)appWord.getApplication();
docs = appWord.getDocuments();
try {
// This commented code will open an existing document
/* adoc = docs.Open(variant("c:\\myTemp.doc" ),//FileName
variant( false ), //ConfirmConversions
variant( false ), //ReadOnly
variant( false ), //AddToRecentFiles
variant( "" ), //passwordDocument
variant( "" ), //password template
variant( false ), //revert
variant( "" ), //write passworddocument
variant( "" ), //write passwordtemplate
variant( 0), //Format
variant( false ), // Encoding - Word9 only
variant(true) // Visible - Word9 only
// Create the mailmerge datasource
docs.Add(variant("Normal"), //template
variant(false), //New template document?
variant(0), //wdNewBlankDocument = 0
variant(true)); //visible
adoc = docs.Item(variant(1)); // Bind to the Document's object
// reference
selection = appWord.getSelection(); // start at document's
// beginning
range = selection.getRange();
// First line is column headers, next lines are data
range.setText(",Scott Cooper");
// Save as a CommaSeparatedValue (CSV) flat file
adoc.SaveAs(variant("C:\\MrgSrc.txt"), //Filename
variant(4), //wdFormatDOSText = 4
variant(false), //LockComments
variant(""), //Password
variant(false), //Add to recent files
variant(""), //Write password
variant(false), //ReadOnlyRecommended
variant(false), //Embed TrueType fonts
variant(false), //SaveNativePictureFormat
variant(false), //SaveForms data
variant(false)); //SaveAsAOCELetter
// Create a new mailmerge target document
docs.Add(variant("Normal"), //template
variant(false), //New template document?
variant(0), //wdNewBlankDocument = 0 //Wd 9
variant(true)); //visible //Wd 9
//docs.AddOld(variant("Normal"), //AddOld = Word 97's Add
// variant( false ));
adoc = docs.Item(variant(1));
selection = appWord.getSelection();
range = selection.getRange(); // Only one Selection point in _app
range = adoc.getContent(); // Create a Range object.
// (Content is entire document.)
range.setText("This is line 1, paragraph 1 of the new document");
range.Collapse(variant(0)); // 0=wdCollapseEnd,
// 1=wdCollapseStart
range.InsertParagraph(); // Move to a new paragraph
range.InsertParagraph(); // Give it a double space
font = range.getFont(); // define a font object reference
float fsize = font.getSize(); // Save initial state
int ibold = font.getBold(); // ditto
range.Collapse(variant(0)); // 0=wdCollapseEnd,
// 1=wdCollapseStart
range.Collapse(variant(0)); // collapse range to
// insertionpoint at end
range.setText("Sample text string you added");
font.setName("Tahoma"); // range includes the entire last string
font.setSize(24); // so font changes affect the entire range
font.setBold(-1); // True
range.setText("Back to the original font");
font.setSize(fsize); // Restore original state
font.setBold(ibold); // ditto
range = adoc.getContent(); // redefine the range object.
range.Collapse(variant(1)); // move insertion point to
// doc's beginning
range.InsertParagraph(); // add a new line at the beginning
range = adoc.getContent(); // redefine the range object again
range.Collapse(variant(1)); // move insertion point to
// doc's beginning
variant(0), //wdFormatDocument
variant(false), //LockComments
variant(""), // Password
variant(true), //AddToRecentFiles
variant(""), //WritePassword
variant(false), //ReadOnlyRecommended
variant(true), //EmbedTrueTypeFontsv
variant(true), //SaveFormsData
variant(true) //SaveAsAOCELetter
mailmerge = adoc.getMailMerge(); // define mailmerge object
//If necessary, specify the target document's type
// wdFormLetters=0, wdNotAMergeDocument = -1,
// wdMailingLabels = 1, wdEnvelopes = 2, wdCatalog = 3
mailmerge.OpenDataSource("C:\\MrgSrc.txt", //string, not variant
variant(4), //wdOpenFormatText
variant(false), //ConfirmConversions
variant(false), //ReadOnly
variant(false), //LinkToSource
variant(false), //AddToRecentFiles
variant(""), //PasswordDocument
variant(""), //PasswordTemplate
variant(false), //Revert
variant(""), //WritePasswordDocument
variant(""), //WritePasswordTemplate
variant(""), //Connection
variant(""), //SQLStatement
variant("") //SQLStatement1
catch(Exception e)
("OpenDataSource failed with error" +e);
mailmergefields = mailmerge.getFields(); //MailMergeFields
mailmergefield = mailmergefields.Add(range, "emailaddress");
mailmerge.setMailSubject("Subject line for email merge test 3");
mailmerge.setDestination(2); //
// wdMailMergeDestination(sendtoemail)
datasource = mailmerge.getDataSource (); //
// Returns MailMergeDataSource
mailmerge.Execute(variant(true)); // Merge errors show in dialog
catch(Exception e)
("Mailmerge Execute failed with error" +e);
catch(Exception e)
("Doc startup failed with error" + e);
// Variant usages
private static Variant variant( boolean b )
Variant v = new Variant();
v.putBoolean( b );
return v;
private static Variant variant( int i )
Variant v = new Variant();
return v;
private static Variant variant( String s )
Variant v = new Variant();
v.putString (s);
return v;
// Variant usage for optional parms
private static Variant variant()
Variant v = new Variant();
return v;
- In the code, change the line that says:
range.setText("emailaddress,fullname\,Scott Cooper");
to replace the string,Scott Cooper with your own e-mail address, a comma, and your own name.
- Press the F5 key to compile and run the sample
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Chris Jensen, Microsoft Corporation.
For additional information about Automation of Office applications, please click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q219430 HOWTO: Create/Format Excel Workbook Using Visual J++ Automation
Q220607 HOWTO: Automate Word 97/2000 to do Mail Merge from Visual Basic
Q220911 HOWTO: Automate Word 97 to Do Mail Merge with Visual C++ and MFC
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbAutomation kbVJ kbVJ600 kbWord kbGrpDSO kbDSupport kbword2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto