Program Setup Runs Instead of Office Setup

ID: Q110187

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, versions 4.0, 4.2


When you run an administrative installation (setup /a) of a program upgrade to Microsoft Office (for example, Microsoft Excel version 5.0), unique Microsoft Office Setup files (SETUP.STF and SETUP.INF) will be replaced by the Setup program for the program upgrade you installed. When you run the workstation Setup for Office from the network server, you will no longer be able to install the integrated Office package; the Setup sequence for the upgrade program will be run instead.


When you run an administrative installation (setup /a) of Microsoft Office, all of the individual program executable files and the Microsoft Office setup files (SETUP.EXE, SETUP.STF, SETUP.INF etc.) are installed in the root directory specified during setup. If you then install a newer version of one of the Microsoft Office programs in the directory where the server installation of Microsoft Office is located, the Setup files for this program will overwrite the Microsoft Office Setup files.

Note: This DOES occur when you perform an administrative installation (SETUP /A) of Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows, but it does not happen when you run SETUP /A to install Word 6.0a. If you try to perform an administrative installation of Word 6.0a in a non-empty directory, such as the Office program directory on the server, the following error occurs:

You chose a directory that contains one or more files. When using the
/a switch you must install to an empty directory to avoid overwriting
files that are required by network users.


If you have already installed the program upgrade to the Microsoft Office directory, do the following to resolve this problem. If you have not yet installed the program upgrade, skip to step 3.

  1. Remove all files and directories from the server that were installed when you ran the administrative Setup of Microsoft Office.

  2. Run the administrative setup (setup /a) of Microsoft Office to install to the network server again.

  3. Do the following to install the program upgrade to a different directory than the one in which you installed Microsoft Office:

    1. Create a subdirectory for the program you are upgrading. For example, if you are upgrading from Excel 4.0 to Excel 5.0, you could create an Excel5 subdirectory in the MSOFFICE directory (MSOFFICE\EXCEL5).

    2. Run the administrative setup of the new version of the program (setup /a) and place it in the new subdirectory.

    3. Run the workstation installation of the new program by running SETUP.EXE located in the new subdirectory (MSOFFICE\EXCEL5\SETUP.EXE).

Additional query words: 3.0 3.00 4.0 4.2 5.0 5.00 6.0 6.00 macppt winppt W_eXceL kbsetup Wm_acme acme officeinterop

Keywords :
Version : 4.00 4.20
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999
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