Microsoft Office Pro 4.3 Disk 6 Contents (3.5-Inch)

ID: Q115007

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office Professional for Windows, version 4.3


The following table lists the disk contents for Disk 6 of the 3.5-inch version of Microsoft Office Professional 4.3 for Windows.

NOTE: Filenames with underscores (_)(such as ACMSETUP.EX_) indicate compressed files.


Volume in drive A is DISK6
 Directory of A:\ 

BOOKST   XL_        30,932 04-05-94   4:15p
CUSTOM   DI_            14 04-05-94   4:18p
EMPLOYEE MD_           192 04-05-94   4:19p
EXCEL5   RE_         1,465 04-05-94   4:15p
EXOTIC   WK_           940 04-05-94   4:18p
FILELIST TXT        12,008 04-05-94   4:15p
NWIND    MD_       546,150 04-05-94   4:03p
SALES    XL_         3,939 04-05-94   4:15p
SCHEDULE FM_           290 04-05-94   4:18p
SCHEDULE WK_           390 04-05-94   4:18p
WINWORD  E1_       858,909 04-05-94   3:44p

       11 file(s)      1,455,229 bytes
                               0 bytes free 

Additional query words: offdir 4.30 dir file name six

Keywords :
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 21, 1999
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