Microsoft Office Pro 4.3 Disk 29 Contents (3.5-Inch)

ID: Q115019

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office Pro 4.3


The following table lists the disk contents for Disk 29 of the 3.5-inch version of Microsoft Office Professional 4.3 for Windows.

NOTE: Filenames with underscores (_)(such as ACMSETUP.EX_) indicate compressed files.


Volume in drive A is DISK29
 Directory of A:\ 

ANCHOR   WM_         1,334 04-05-94   4:40p
ARIALN   TT_        38,567 04-05-94   4:39p
ARIALNB  TT_        38,123 04-05-94   4:39p
ARIALNBI TT_        40,096 04-05-94   4:39p
ARIALNI  TT_        39,151 04-05-94   4:39p
ARTIST   WM_         5,117 04-05-94   4:40p
ATOMENGY WM_        13,517 04-05-94   4:40p
BANNER   WM_         4,621 04-05-94   4:40p
BEARMRKT WM_         3,388 04-05-94   4:40p
BOOKOS   TT_        44,632 04-05-94   4:39p
BOOKOSB  TT_        46,512 04-05-94   4:39p
BOOKOSBI TT_        46,736 04-05-94   4:39p
BOOKOSI  TT_        44,682 04-05-94   4:39p
BOOKS    WM_         3,093 04-05-94   4:40p
BULLMRKT WM_         2,439 04-05-94   4:40p
BUTTRFLY WM_         4,744 04-05-94   4:40p
CAT      WM_         1,227 04-05-94   4:40p
CELTIC   WM_         1,487 04-05-94   4:40p
CITYSCPE WM_         4,116 04-05-94   4:40p
COFFEE   WM_         2,091 04-05-94   4:40p
EQNEDIT  EX_       202,502 04-05-94   4:39p
EQNEDIT  HL_        92,781 04-05-94   4:39p
FL40DOS  PD_        68,924 04-05-94   4:39p
GOTHIC   TT_        40,174 04-05-94   4:39p
GOTHICB  TT_        31,909 04-05-94   4:39p
GOTHICBI TT_        33,841 04-05-94   4:39p
GOTHICI  TT_        36,530 04-05-94   4:39p
HG23DOS  PD_        48,397 04-05-94   4:39p
HG30DOS  PD_       138,615 04-05-94   4:39p
MTCORSVA TT_        43,186 04-05-94   4:39p
SCHLBK   TT_        44,645 04-05-94   4:39p
SCHLBKB  TT_        46,116 04-05-94   4:40p
SCHLBKBI TT_        44,886 04-05-94   4:40p
SCHLBKI  TT_        44,705 04-05-94   4:40p
TECHNOL  PC_       115,687 04-05-94   4:38p
USMAPS   PC_        28,601 04-05-94   4:38p
       36 file(s)      1,447,172 bytes
                               0 bytes free 

Additional query words: offdir 4.30 dir file name twenty nine

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:4.3
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 21, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.