Office Assistant Icon Not Displayed Correctly in MOM Toolbar

ID: Q117462

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office Assistant for Windows, version 1.0


When you install Microsoft Office Assistant, the Microsoft Office Assistant icon on the MOM toolbar may be displayed incorrectly.


Some video drivers cause the background color of the Office Assistant icon to be displayed incorrectly.


To work around this problem, use the OAGRABTN.BMP bitmap for the Office Assistant toolbar button instead of the OABUTTON.BMP bitmap (the bitmap that is installed initially).

Note that the background for this bitmap is permanently set to gray; this color may not be appropriate for the colors that you have selected in Windows Control Panel.

To use OAGRABTN.BMP, do the following:

  1. From the Microsoft Office menu, choose Customize.

  2. On the Toolbar tab, select Microsoft Office Assistant, and choose the Edit button.

  3. In the Edit Program Item dialog box, select OAGRABTN.BMP from the list of images in the Button Image list box, and then choose OK.

  4. Choose the OK button again to close the Customize dialog box.

The Microsoft Office Assistant toolbar button will now display the alternative bitmap (OAGRABTN.BMP).


OAREADME.TXT readme file (dated 4/19/94), that shipped with Microsoft Office Assistant version 1.0.

Additional query words: offasst

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 20, 1999
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