Office 4.x on CD: How to Prevent Documentation Installation

ID: Q117782

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, versions 4.2-CD, 4.3-CD
  • Microsoft Office Professional and Bookshelf 4.3-CD


When you perform an Administrative installation (/a) of Microsoft Office from the CD, 110 megabytes (MB) of viewer files will be copied to the server directory. These viewer files are used to provide online documentation to the workstation users. If you have enough hard drive space on the server, you can delete the server MVIEWER subdirectory after the network installation. However, if you do not have the additional space on the server, you may need to modify the SETUP.STF file so that it does not install the *.BMP files. Note that the viewer files are in addition to 112 megabytes (MB) of application files, for a total of almost 250 megabytes.


To make modifications to the SETUP.STF file and use it from the CD, do the following:

  1. Decompress the SETUP.ST_ file from the d:\setup.adm\disk1 directory to the hard drive. At the MS-DOS command prompt type the following:
    decomp setup.st_ c:\msoffice\setup\setup.stf
    and press ENTER. You must use the decompression utility DECOMP.EXE that is included with Office. The MS-DOS EXPAND.EXE utility yields unusable results. Note: c:\msoffice is the directory to which you installed Microsoft Office.

    NOTE: Microsoft Office 4.3c-CD with Bookshelf has an uncompressed file called SETUP.STF. No decompression is necessary. You can copy it from the d:\setup.adm\disk1 directory to the hard drive with a line similar to the following:
    copy setup.stf c:\msoffice\setup\setup.stf

  2. Make sure the file is not set to read-only.

  3. Modify the .STF file for 4.2 or 4.3. Before you make any modifications to the file, make a backup copy. To modify the file, open SETUP.STF in a text editor (not the MS-DOS Editor as it will replace tabs with spaces) or use the Text Import Wizard in Microsoft Excel.

    Note, If you open SETUP.STF in Microsoft Excel 5.0, complete the following additional steps before continuing:
    In the Text Import Wizard dialog box, choose Next until Step 3 Of 3 appears.

    In the Text Import Wizard - Step 3 Of 3 dialog box, under Data Preview, click the second column to select it. Under Column Data Format, select the Text option, and choose Finish.
    For Microsoft Office 4.2-CD:

    1. Object ID 27, remove number 4500. (This stops the Administrative installation from copying the *.BMP files.)

    2. Object ID 36, remove 4545, 4557, 5217. (This prevents the workstation installation from creating icons to the *.BMP files.)

For Microsoft Office 4.3-CD:
  1. Object ID 31, remove number 5100. (This stops the Administrative installation from copying the *.BMP files.)

  2. Object ID 40, remove 5145, 5157, 5014. (This prevents the workstation installation from creating icons to the *.BMP files.)

For Microsoft Office 4.3c-CD with Bookshelf:

  1. Object ID 31, remove number 5085. (This stops the Administrative installation from copying the *.BMP files.)

  2. Object ID 40, remove number 5277. (This prevents the workstation installation from creating icons to the *.BMP files.)

To run setup with this modified file, type the following
<drive>\setup.adm\disk1\setup /a /t <path>\setup.stf
where <drive> is your CD drive, and <path> is the full path (including the drive letter) to the drive that contains the modified .STF file. Make sure that the original file is not in a position in which it will be written over during the installation. The steps above will copy the modified .STF file to the Administrative installation, where it will be used by the workstation installations.
NOTE: you should install Microsoft Office to a clean (empty) directory.

Additional query words: viewer network bitmap cd-rom manuals on-line

Keywords : offwin
Version : WINDOWS:4.2-CD,4.3-CD; :4.3-CD
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 21, 1999
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