Office: List of Tools Installed to MSAPPS Directory

ID: Q120213

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, versions 4.0, 4.20, 4.30

Microsoft Office includes tools, such as ClipArt Gallery and Equation Editor, that are installed to the WINDOWS\MSAPPS directory.

The following is a list of the tools that ship with Microsoft Office. The directory column contains the subdirectory of WINDOWS\MSAPPS where the tool is located. For example, ClipArt Gallery resides in WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ARTGALRY.

   MS APP                  Directory         Size (K)

   Art Gallery               (ARTGALRY)            249
   Equation Editor           (EQUATION)            560
   Graphic Filters           (GRPHFLT)            1540
   MS Graph 5.0              (MSGRAPH5)           2100
   MS System Info            (MSINFO)               40
   MS Query                  (MSQUERY)            1190
   MS Orgchart               (ORGCHART)           1060
   Spelling Checker          (PROOF)              1040
   Spreadsheet Converters    (SHEETCNV)             45
   Text Converters           (TEXTCONV)           1610
   MS Word Art               (WORDART)             303

Note, additional disk space may be required for companion .DLL files located in other directories.


"Microsoft Office Getting Started Guide " for Windows, pages 6-8, 27

Keywords :
Version : 4.20
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 18, 1999
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