Error Installing Office Assistant Using Jewelcase Instructions

ID: Q122348

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, version 4.3c-CD


When you install Microsoft Office Assistant and you follow the instructions provided in the jewelcase booklet that ships with Microsoft Office 4.3c-CD, one of the following occurs:

  • The Microsoft Office and Bookshelf Setup runs, instead of the Microsoft Office Assistant Setup.

  • -or-

  • You receive the following error message:
    The specified path is invalid


These symptoms occur because the jewelcase booklet incorrectly documents the location of Microsoft Office Assistant as the OFFICE.AST directory on the CD. The Microsoft Office Assistant is actually located in BONUS\OA on CD.

The first symptom above occurs when you follow the instructions to install Microsoft Office Assistant and you run the Setup program from Program Manager. Because the SETUP.EXE file cannot be found in the specified location (\office.ast\disk1), the SETUP.EXE file located in the root directory of the CD runs instead. This results in running the Microsoft Office Setup instead of the Microsoft Office Assistant Setup.

When you perform the provided instructions from File Manager, instead of Program Manager, you receive the following error message:

The specified path is invalid


To install Microsoft Office Assistant from the Microsoft Office CD, do the following:

  1. In the Windows Program Manager, or File Manager, choose Run from the File menu.

  2. In the Command Line box, type the letter of the drive that contains the Microsoft Office CD, a colon, a backslash, and the text bonus\oa\disk1\setup.exe. For example, type:

  3. Choose OK.


The Microsoft Office jewelcase booklet contains instructions on installing Microsoft Office Professional and Bookshelf. These instructions include the following incorrect steps for installing Microsoft Office Assistant:

8.To install Office Assistant, in the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu.

9. In the Command Line box, type the letter of the drive that contains the Office CD, a colon, a backslash, the text office.ast\disk1\setup.exe and then choose the OK button. For example type d:\office.ast\disk1\setup.exe.

Additional query words: 4.30c-CD

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:4.3c-CD
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 21, 1999
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