Office 4.2: List of Fonts Included and Disk Locations

ID: Q123853

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, version 4.2


This article lists the fonts and respective disk locations for both the 3.5-inch, high-density (1.44 MB) disks and the 5.25-inch, high-density (1.2 MB) disks for Microsoft Office version 4.2 for Windows. The files are located on the same disk number on both 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch media.


Font                               File Name      Disk #

Algerian                           ALGER.TTF      15
Antiqua                            ANTQUA.TTF     17
Antiqua Bold                       ANTQUAB.TTF    17
Antiqua Bold Italic                ANTQUABI.TTF   17
Antiqua Italic                     ANTQUAI.TTF    17
Arial                              ARLRDBD.TTF    15
Arial Narrow                       ARIALN.TTF     23
Arial Narrow Bold                  ARIALNB.TTF    23
Arial Narrow Bold Italic           ARIALNBI.TTF   23
Arial Narrow Italic                ARIALNI.TTF    23
Bookman Old Style                  BOOKOS.TTF     23
Bookman Old Style Bold             BOOKOSB.TTF    23
Bookman Old Style Bold Italic      BOOKOSBI.TTF   24
Bookman Old Style Italic           BOOKOSI.TTF    24
Bragadaccio                        BRAGGA.TTF     15
Brittanic Bold                     BRITANIC.TTF   15
Brush Script MT Italic             BRUSHSCI.TTF   15
Colonna MT                         COLONNA.TTF    15
Desdemona                          DESDEMON.TTF   15
Footlight MT Light                 FTLTLT.TTF     15
Gothic                             GOTHIC.TTF     15
Gothic                             GOTHIC.TTF     24
Gothic Bold                        GOTHICB.TTF    24
Gothic Bold Italic                 GOTHICBI.TTF   24
Gothic Italic                      GOTHICI.TTF    24
Impact                             IMPACT.TTF     15
Kino MT                            KINO.TTF       15
Monotyp Corsiva                    MTCORSVA.TTF   24
Monotype Sorts                     MTSORTS.TTF    17
MS LineDraw                        LINEDRAW.TTF   13
MT Extra                           MTEXTRA.TTF    23
Playbill                           PLAYBILL.TTF   15
Schoolbook                         SCHLBK.TTF     24
Schoolbook Bold                    SCHLBKB.TTF    24
Schoolbook Bold Italic             SCHLBKBI.TTF   24
Schoolbook Italic                  SCHLBKI.TTF    24
Wide Latin                         LATINWD.TTF    15 

Additional query words: fonts disk

Keywords :
Version : 4.20
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: June 3, 1999
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