OFF: Files Installed in the System Folder

ID: Q125956

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for the Macintosh, version 4.2


The following information documents the files that are installed to the System Folder when you install Microsoft Office, depending on the Microsoft Office application that you install, and the type of installation you perform.


Microsoft Excel

This following is a list of the files that are installed to the System Folder when you install Microsoft Excel version 5.0. Each folder created by Setup is listed with the files it contains. When you install Microsoft Excel, Setup copies files to the hard disk as follows for Typical, Complete, or Minimum installation.

System Folder:Control Panels

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   ODBC Setup                         No        Yes       No 

System Folder:Extensions

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Apple Event Manager                No        Yes       No
   Microsoft OLE Extension            Yes       Yes       No
   ODBC Configuration Manager         No        Yes       No
   ODBC Driver Manager                No        Yes       No
   ODBC SQL Server ADSP NetLib        No        Yes       No
   ODBC SQL Server Driver             No        Yes       No
   ODBC SQL Server Setup              No        Yes       No
   ODBC SQL Server TCP/IP netlib      No        Yes       No
   Q+E ODBC FoxPro Driver             No        Yes       No
   Shared Library Manager             No        Yes       No 

(Power Macintosh Only)

   Microsoft Dialog Library           No        Yes       No
   Microsoft Find File Library        No        Yes       No
   Microsoft Mail Library             Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft OLE 2.01 Library         Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft OLE Automation 2.10      Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft OLE Extension            Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft Tool Editor Library      Yes       Yes       Yes
   Visual Basic for Applications      Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Extensions:Type Libraries

   Files Installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Standard OLE Types                 Yes       Yes       Yes
   vba en olb                         Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Preferences

   Files Installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Embedding Preferences              Yes       Yes       Yes
   Excel Settings (5)                 Yes       Yes       Yes
   Q+E ODBC FoxPro Driver License     No        Yes       No
   Registration Database              Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Preferences:Excel Startup Folder

   Files Installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Excel Chart AutoFormats (5)        Yes       Yes       Yes 

Microsoft Word 6.0

If you install a private copy of Word on a standalone workstation, Setup copies files to the System Folder on your hard disk as follows for a Typical, Complete, or Minimum installation. If you perform a Custom installation, only the optional components you select are installed.

System Folder:Extensions

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Microsoft OLE Extension            Yes       Yes       No
   MTExt                              No        Yes       No 

System Folder:Fonts

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Windows-compatible TrueType fonts
   (Arial, Courier New, Times New
   Roman, WingDings)                  No        Yes       No
   MT Extra fonts                     No        Yes       No
   WordArt fonts                      No        Yes       No
   MS LineDraw                        No        Yes       No 

System Folder:Preferences

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Registration Database              Yes       Yes       Yes
   Word Font Substitutes              Yes       Yes       Yes
   Embedding Preferences              Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Preferences:Word Startup Folder (6)

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Address Book Converter             Yes       No        No 

Microsoft PowerPoint

When you install PowerPoint for the Macintosh on a standalone Macintosh, Setup copies files to the System Folder as follows for Typical, Complete, and Minimum installations.

System Folder:Extensions

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Apple(R) Event Manager             Yes       Yes       No
   Shared Library Manager   [1]       Yes       Yes       Yes
   Genigraphics                       No        Yes       No
   MTExt                              Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft Find File Library   [2]  Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft Mail Library   [2]       Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft OLE Library   [2]        Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft OLE Extension            Yes       Yes       Yes
   Shared Code Manager                Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Extensions:Shared Code

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Shared Code:OLE Client Dll         Yes       Yes       Yes
   Shared Code:OLE Reg Dll            Yes       Yes       Yes
   Shared Code:OLE Server Dll         Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Preferences

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Embedding Preferences              Yes       Yes       Yes
   Registration Database              Yes       Yes       Yes
   PPC Registration Database   [2]    Yes       Yes       Yes
   Microsoft Graph Settings (5)       Yes       Yes       Yes
   PowerPoint Settings (4)            Yes       Yes       Yes 

System Folder:Fonts (System 7.1 or higher)

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Arial Narrow                       No        Yes       No
   Book Antiqua                       Yes       Yes       No
   Bookman Old Style                  No        Yes       No
   Century Gothic                     No        Yes       No
   Century Schoolbook                 No        Yes       No
   Monotype Corsiva                   No        Yes       No
   Monotype Sorts                     Yes       Yes       Yes
   Wingdings                          No        Yes       No
   MT Extra                           No        Yes       No 

PowerPoint Note:

[1] These files are installed in Macintosh/combined installations only.
[2] These files are installed in Power Macintosh/combined installations only.
[3] These files are native to Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or combined installations depending on the installation type.

NOTE: The numbers appearing in parentheses (4), (5), (6) refer to the version of the application.

Microsoft Office Manager

When you install Microsoft Office, the following file is copied to your System Folder if you perform a Custom installation, and you select Microsoft Office Manager, or if you perform a Typical, Complete, or Minimum installation.

System Folder:Control Panels

   Files installed                    Typical   Complete  Minimum

   Office Manager                     Yes       Yes       Yes 

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbsetup offmac
Version : MACINTOSH:4.2
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: May 7, 1999
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