OFF95: Answer Wizard No Longer Appears for Help Topic

ID: Q135478

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95, version 7.0


When you display a topic in Help that demonstrates how to perform a task in your application, the Answer Wizard dialog box that allows you to cancel the demonstration may not appear for this task, even if this dialog box appeared when you displayed this topic in Help previously.


This behavior is by design of Help for the Microsoft Office applications. Some of the Help topics demonstrate how to perform a task in your application instead of simply displaying instructions about how to perform the task. The first time you display one of these topics in your application, an Answer Wizard dialog box appears with the following message:

The Answer Wizard will now help you complete this task. If you are prompted for further actions, simply follow the Answer Wizard's instructions.
This dialog box allows you to continue with the demonstration (by clicking Next) or cancel the demonstration (by clicking Cancel).

However, for these demonstrations, the Answer Wizard dialog box only appears six times in each of the Office applications. After the Answer Wizard dialog box is displayed six times in an application, the Answer Wizard demonstrates the task for the Help topic without displaying the Answer Wizard dialog box first.

Note that it does not matter if the Answer Wizard dialog box is displayed for six different Help topics or one Help topic six times. The Answer Wizard dialog box appears only six times in each Office application. Additionally, the Answer Wizard dialog box does not appear for every Help topic, even if you display the topic from the Answer Wizard tab. The Answer Wizard dialog box is only displayed for those Help topics that have a demonstration.



For an example of a Help topic that has a demonstration, do the following:

  1. In Microsoft Excel, click Answer Wizard on the Help menu.

  2. On the Answer Wizard tab, type Formula Bar, and then click Search.

  3. In the list of topics, click Display Or Hide The Formula Bar, and then click Display.

  4. If the Answer Wizard dialog box appears, click Next.

    If the Answer Wizard dialog box has already been displayed six times in Microsoft Excel, the Answer Wizard dialog box does not appear.

Note that the demonstration will begin, regardless of whether the Answer Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Additional query words: word6 powerpt

Keywords : offwin xlwin
Version : WINDOWS:7.0; Win95:7.0
Platform : Win95 WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1999
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