OFF95: How to Move Toolbar Buttons on the Office Shortcut Bar

ID: Q135807

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0


The toolbars on your Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar can be customized by moving toolbar buttons from one toolbar to another or by rearranging them on the same toolbar.


When you add a toolbar button for a file or folder, the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar creates a Microsoft Windows 95 shortcut to the file or folder. If you later delete the toolbar button, you delete the shortcut, but you do not delete the original file.

If you want to move a toolbar button once it is on a toolbar, you must hold down the ALT key while you drag it to the desired location. You can move your toolbar buttons to other toolbars on the Office Shortcut Bar or you can move them within the same toolbar (rearrange the buttons on that toolbar).

If you want to put an empty space between two toolbar buttons, move the button that is on the right (holding down the ALT key while you drag it) to the right a small amount. This should place a small gap between the two buttons.


For more information about customizing the Office Shortcut Bar, click the Index tab in Office Help, and type

Customizing Shortcut Bar, Moving
For more information about customizing the Office Shortcut Bar, click the Index tab in Office Help, type the following text
Customizing Shortcut Bar, Moving
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Move a toolbar button on the Office Shortcut Bar" topic.

Additional query words: Shortcut OSB howto

Keywords :
Version : 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: June 24, 1999
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