OFF95: Setup Questions and Answers

ID: Q135830

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0


This article contains common questions and answers about the setup of Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0


Q. What are the hardware and software requirements for installing and running Microsoft Office for Windows 95?

A. Microsoft Office for Windows 95 requires the following minimum hardware and software components:

  • A personal computer with a 386DX or higher processor (486 recommended).

  • Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or Microsoft Windows NT(TM) Workstation operating system version 3.51 or later (it will not run on earlier versions of Windows).

  • 6 megabytes (MB) of memory to run a single program alone; 8 MB of memory to run two programs on Windows 95; 16 MB of memory to run two programs on a Windows NT Workstation; more memory is recommended to run additional programs.

  • A hard disk with 89.5 MB of free disk space for a complete installation, 55.4 MB of free disk space for a Typical installation that includes Data Map (for Microsoft Excel), and 28 MB of free disk space for a Compact installation.

  • VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256-color recommended).

  • One 3.5-inch high-density floppy disk drive.

  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

Q. What is the Mscreate.dir file that is located in many of the folders on my computer? This file appeared after I installed Microsoft Office.

A. The Setup program creates Mscreate.dir (a 0-byte hidden file) in each folder that Setup creates to indicate that the folder was created by Setup. When you run Setup in Maintenance mode and remove a component or when you click Remove All, Setup uses this file to determine whether an empty folder can be removed. When you run Setup in Maintenance mode, Setup will not remove this folder if an empty folder does not contain this file.

Q. How much disk space is required to install Microsoft Office for Windows 95?

A. The disk space required to install Microsoft Office depends on the installation option that you choose. The installation options include Compact, Typical, Custom, Run From CD, Run From Network Server, and Administrative Setup. The following table lists the disk space required for each.

       Installation option               Disk Space Required

       Compact                           28.0 MB

          with Data Map                  55.4 MB
          without Data Map               51.4 MB

       Custom (with Select All)          89.5 MB

       Run From CD                       33.3 MB

       Run From Network Server
          with shared files on your
          local drive                    29.8 MB

          with shared files on a server  12.4 MB

          running under shared Windows   up to 5.0 MB
          (diskless workstations)

       Administrative (SETUP /A)         119.3 MB 

Q. What other hardware or software options should I consider for working with Microsoft Office for Windows 95?

A. The following are optional components for additional functionality with Microsoft Office:
  • Windows-compatible network required for workgroup functionality and WordMail

  • Microsoft Exchange client required for workgroup functionality and WordMail on Windows NT

  • 2400 or higher baud modem (9600 baud modem recommended)

  • Audio board with headphones or speakers

Q. Should I remove my earlier version of Microsoft Office before upgrading to Microsoft Office for Windows 95?

A. Although the Office Setup program does ask if you would like to remove your earlier version of Office (if it detects an earlier version on your computer), the recommended method for upgrading to Office is to remove the earlier version of Office first, before you run the Office Setup program. When you've removed the earlier version of Office, empty the Recycle Bin.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbfile kbsetup offwin
Version : WINDOWS:7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: April 27, 1999
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