OFF95: Quick View Not Available for Binder Files

ID: Q150365

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0


You are unable to use Quick View to view Microsoft Office Binder files.


This article provides a workaround that you can use to view the individual component files that make up your Binder.

To use Quick View to view the components of a Binder file, do the following:

  1. Use the right mouse button to click (that is, right-click) your Binder file, and then click Unbind on the shortcut menu.

    This creates separate files for each of the sections within the Binder and places the separate files in the same folder as the Binder file. The Binder file remains intact.

  2. Right-click any of the files created from unbinding the Binder, and then click Quick View on the shortcut menu.

    You should now be able to view the components of your Binder file.

NOTE: You may have problems viewing Microsoft Excel Chart sections, empty Microsoft Excel sections, or PowerPoint 7.0 presentations that have been unbound from a Binder.


For additional information about problems you may experience when you try to view unbound Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint documents, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q150366 OFF95: Error Trying to Quick View Microsoft Excel Workbook
Q138645 Can't Open PowerPoint 7.0 Files with Windows 95 Quick View
Quick View, which is installed by Microsoft Windows 95, allows you to view documents that are created by Windows-based programs without starting the program. If Quick View is not available on the shortcut menu, either the program that created your file does not support Quick View, or Quick View is not installed on your computer. Please see your Windows 95 documentation for information about how to install Quick View on your computer.

For additional information about unbinding Office Binders, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q149770 OFF95: How to Unbind Office 95 Binders

Additional query words:

Keywords : offwin
Version : Win95:7.0
Platform : Win95
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1999
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