How to Remove Unwanted Gridlines from Excel Object

ID: Q152299

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition
  • Microsoft Office for the Macintosh, versions 4.2, 4.2.1
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft Office for Windows, versions 4.2, 4.3


When you embed or link a Microsoft Excel object to a document created in another Office program, you may notice that the gridlines from Microsoft Excel are visible in the destination document.


To remove the gridlines, use the following steps:

Office versions 4.2, 4.3, 7.0 and 97 for Windows and versions 4.2 and 4.2.1 for Macintosh

  1. Double-click the Microsoft Excel object to activate in-place editing in Microsoft Excel.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.

  3. Click the View tab.

    If you do not see a View tab, check the Apple menu (Macintosh) or the Help menu (Windows) to verify that Microsoft Excel is active. If Microsoft Excel is active, you should see About Microsoft Excel as the first entry on the Apple menu or the last entry in the Help menu.

  4. In the Window Options section, clear the Gridlines check box.

  5. Return to the destination document by clicking outside the boundaries of the Microsoft Excel object.

If you want to display gridlines, repeat the above steps except select (put a check mark in) the Gridlines check box in step 4.

Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition

  1. Double-click the Microsoft Excel object.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Preferences.

  3. On the View Tab click to clear the Gridlines check box, then click OK.

  4. On the File menu Click Quit to close the Microsoft Excel object.

Additional query words: 4.00 5.00 6.00 97 8.00 eliminate excel powerpt ppt ppt95 ppt97 excel5 excel7 cell borders

Keywords : kbinterop kbole
Version : WINDOWS:4.2,4.3,7.0,97;MACINTOSH:4.2,4.2.1,98
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: June 24, 1999
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