OFF97: Menus and Toolbars Selected Only When Program Is Active

ID: Q160259

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


When you click a menu or toolbar control in any of the Microsoft Office programs, nothing may appear to happen.


This behavior may occur when you click a control in a program that does not currently have focus. When you click a menu or toolbar control in an Office program that not have the focus, the action sets the focus to that program.


To use the control, click the control again.


This is by design of the Microsoft Office programs.


Because menus and toolbars are shared among Microsoft Office programs, this behavior is designed to be consistent for all the Office programs. When the focus is outside the program, clicking once activates the program, and clicking again activates the specific menu or toolbar.

Additional query words: OFF97 Menu Toolbar Activation

Keywords : xlui
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 9, 1999
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