MS Office Articles Available by E-Mail: Functionality

ID: Q162413

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


This article shows you how to obtain support information from the Microsoft Knowledge Base by e-mail. If you are currently viewing this article on the World Wide Web, this information may not pertain to you.


The "Article Listing" section of this article includes a subset of Knowledge Base articles about interoperability, printing, and general protection faults in Microsoft Office 97. Use the instructions in the "Ordering Articles by E-Mail" section of this article to order items from this list.

Note that because Microsoft Technical Support is constantly adding new information to the Knowledge Base, not all articles are listed here. For this reason, you may want to look on the Web to find the information you are looking for. Microsoft Technical Support on the Web is located at the following address on the World Wide Web:

Ordering an Article by E-Mail

To have an article from the list sent to you in e-mail, send a message to, and use the Article ID in the subject line of the message, as in the following example:
SUBJECT: Q119591
For more information about how to order an article by e-mail, send an e- mail message to the following e-mail address:



Microsoft Office Programs Working Together (Interoperability)

Q88000 WinWord: How to Embed a Microsoft PowerPoint Slide

Q111941 XL: Can't Link to Worksheet with Exclamation Point in Name

Q133710 XL: Running a Microsoft Project Macro from Microsoft Excel

Q135252 OFF: File Types Supported in Microsoft Office Binder

Q135509 Can't Merge Changes from Original and a Copy in Briefcase

Q135738 Can't Embed Fonts in Presentations or Documents in a Binder

Q136092 Office: No Network Button in Open and Save As Dialog Boxes

Q137264 XL: Can't Update Links to a Microsoft Access Query

Q137735 Deleting the "My Documents" Folder May Cause Error Message

Q143461 XL97: CreateObject and GetObject Work Differently

Q145826 XL: How to Append an Excel Worksheet to a Database Using DAO

Q146197 How to Find Technical Information About Microsoft Excel

Q149830 XL: Macro to Link a Range of Cells in Word

Q151263 OFF7: 32-Bit Lotus Notes/FX 4.0 Does Not Work with Office 7.0

Q152573 OFF: How to Post Documents to Public Folders

Q152574 Office: How to Use Microsoft Binder with Briefcase

Q156201 OFF97: Cannot Delete Workgroup Templates Path in OSB Dialog

Q156985 OFF97: Error When Using Clip Gallery to Insert a Sound

Q157196 OFF97: Photo Editor Opens First Image in Multifile Selection

Q157490 OFF97: Templates Missing from Binder Add Section Dialog Box

Q157495 XL: Odd Workbook Behavior After Modification by MS Access

Q157763 OFF97: Memory Problems When Hyperlinking Between Programs

Q157956 OFF97: Small Business Pack Does not Work With Office 97

Q158875 OFF97: .Exd Files Are Created When You Insert Controls

Q158895 XL97: Invalid Page Fault After Closing Last Open Workbook

Q159419 XL: DDE Links Break When Changed from Manual to Automatic

Q159581 OFF97: Sounds and Videos not Listed Under Clip Type

Q160099 XL97: Nothing Is in Printout of Embedded MS Excel Chart

Q161218 XL97: Copied and Pasted Chart Appears as Gray Rectangle

Q161324 XL97: Error Using "Mailto:" with FollowHyperlink Method

Q161469 OFF97: Errors Appear Inserting OLE Objects or Binder Sections

Q161526 Converted Word Document Ignores Style Tags

Q161694 XL97: Control Toolbox Toolbar Disappears

Q161805 OFF97: Error Using Help Method with Microsoft Word 97

Q162257 OFF97: How to Show a "Now Processing" Dialog While Macro Runs

Q162413 Article List: Microsoft Office 97 Functionality

Q162672 Off97: Visual Basic Help File for Microsoft Binder Available

Q162883 Off97: Visual Basic Help File For Microsoft Graph Available

Q163276 OFF97: Office 97 ClipArt Not Available

Q165447 OFF97: Error Closing Binder when Visual Basic Editor Visible

Q165771 Form Fields Are Missing When Recipient Is Not Using WordMail

Q165861 OFF97: Automation Error After Using RegClean 3.0 or 4.0

Q166451 OFF97: Microsoft Imager Removed by Microsoft Office 97 Install

Microsoft Office Printing

Q130042 OFF: Problems with Page Numbering When Printing from Binder

Q140754 OFF: "Cannot change printers" and Similar Error Messages

Q157557 XL97: Cloud Callout Is Not Printed Correctly on HP Printer

Q162413 Article List: Microsoft Office 97 Functionality

Q163679 OFF97: Page Numbering Problem in Excel Binder Section

Q166125 OFF97: Problems with Millennium and Mystique Video Cards

Microsoft Office General Protection Fault

Q160552 OFF97: Errors Caused by Corrupted ACL Files

Q162413 Article List: Microsoft Office 97 Functionality

Q163679 OFF97: Page Numbering Problem in Excel Binder Section

Q166125 OFF97: Problems with Millennium and Mystique Video Cards

Additional query words: 8.00 OFF97

Keywords : kbprint offinterop offprint offgpf
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 15, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.